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Behind the wheel, on the phone, styling hair...

[May 29,2007 12:58pm - succubus ""]
I tried pasting the article but the bug is still out there and i cannot.
[May 29,2007 1:04pm - Yeti ""]
its unreal how many people do shit like that. i see people holding up cell phones next to their line of sight so they can text while driving. you cant wait 10 minutes? stupid fucks. eating while driving is so easy, but people are stupid.
[May 29,2007 1:13pm - the_reverend ""]
ya gotta be stylin'
[May 29,2007 2:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wish i had one of the those cars that you can plug a guitar into so i could thrash whilst driving in a stoned haze.
[May 29,2007 3:05pm - HailAtWork  ""]
Yep, I see people who can't drive everyday and at least half of them are on cellphones...it's great fun trying to get around them when I'm going 75mph

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