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What I did last night

[Jun 1,2007 10:45am - succubus ""]
my pics and review
[Jun 1,2007 10:48am - sacreligion ""]
that's cool and all, but i wouldn't be proud of anything fall out boy related.

unless it was just a simpson's reference

but that's just me
[Jun 1,2007 11:50am - Anthony ""]
hah Paul Wall, too bad you didn't get to take any pics of his grill
[Jun 1,2007 12:06pm - the_reverend ""]
they had a girl dj'ing?
[Jun 1,2007 12:07pm - succubus ""]
I was asked to shoot it and I likde my pics.

and Anthony, I actually did take pics...I was not a fan..but that's also where I learned what the hell a "Grill" was..lol.
[Jun 1,2007 12:08pm - sacreligion ""]
tis what i meant, i was just expressing my hatred for fall out boy
[Jun 1,2007 12:26pm - succubus ""]
ah ok..thought you mistook my post for "bragging" as i was not!
[Jun 1,2007 12:31pm - ariavette ""]
succubus said:ah ok..thought you mistook my post for "bragging" as i was not!

yeah some good pic's. did you go to school for photography?
[Jun 1,2007 12:43pm - xmikex ""]
jiminy jillikers
[Jun 1,2007 2:14pm - succubus ""]
thanks ariavette, nope I didn't.
[Jun 1,2007 2:28pm - HailAtWork  ""]
I had to work this, it was very, very lame, a good example of flashy crap over musical subtance...the stage setup was pretty retarded. Luckily I didn't have to hear or see much of it, the music was godawful.
[Jun 1,2007 4:27pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Next time someone asks you should reply "Fuck no, I'm not wasting film on a bunch of emo faggots"

You don't have to sit through crap like that just because someone asked you to.

[Jun 1,2007 4:28pm - handinjury ""]
As usual, the pics are great.

Things I noticed:
Why does the drummer need 2 kicks, its fallout boy.
Are they cold? they all have jackets, hoodies and hats on. Was the AC cranked in the place?
Tha bass player is playing a Squier.

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