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poison ivy

[Jun 6,2007 5:51pm - hungtableed  ""]
What the fuck!? Really. Although its ALL OVER my legs and a wee bit on my lip, at least it hasn't sprad to my cock and/or balls......yet.
[Jun 6,2007 5:58pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
rub some 'tussin on it
[Jun 6,2007 6:26pm - atthehaunted ""]
The one thing is just never itch and it will go away, trust me I've had it all over my body including my balls. So ya get some benadryl and don't itch, it can't spread unless u itch it.
[Jun 6,2007 6:59pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Yeah, I got it all over my codbag and trouser snake once at summer camp. The same summer I lost my virginity; fortunately that was BEFORE the Ivy Onslaught.
[Jun 6,2007 8:29pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
Kinslayer said:Yeah, I got it all over my codbag and trouser snake once at summer camp. The same summer I lost my virginity; fortunately that was BEFORE the Ivy Onslaught.

same thing happened to me except it was before i lost my virginity, and it wasn't poison ivy
[Jun 6,2007 8:56pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
aw man.

i thought this thread was gonna be about the boneriffic movie with Drew Barrymore and its infinitely superior sequel with Alyssa Milano...

[Jun 7,2007 1:09am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
get some zanfel. you can pick it up at cvs. it makes poison ivy go away.
[Jun 7,2007 9:42am - largefreakatzero ""]
If you are feeling brave, piss on yourself. Seriously, there's something in urine that counteracts or neutralizes the allergic reaction your skin has to poison ivy. The stinkier the piss, the better, so a morning pee is the best kind. It's disgusting (unless you are into the golden shower scene), but it actually works -- I tried it with some poison ivy I had on my hand, and it was gone in 2 days.
[Jun 7,2007 9:59am - Ryan_Noseworthy ""]
Is that really true? Damn... That was some good info when you live in the middle of the woods like I do...
[Jun 7,2007 10:30am - Yeti ""]
it is true.
[Jun 7,2007 10:41am - ariavette ""]
i think it's the same for jellyfish stings. though i don't know how true that is.
[Jun 7,2007 11:17am - Anthony ""]
[Jun 7,2007 1:59pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Ryan_Noseworthy said:Is that really true? Damn... That was some good info when you live in the middle of the woods like I do...

I didn't believe it either, then I tried it. Morning pee (esp. mine) is fucking disgusting, but piss (like shit) does wash off.

Yes, this is a redneck remedy if there ever was one.
[Jun 7,2007 5:54pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
ariavette said:i think it's the same for jellyfish stings. though i don't know how true that is.

nah people think that urine is good but it actually causes more venom to be released if theres still tentacles in the sting. just get any physical remains out and get salt water on it

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