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Reverend Grundarr and the Unholy Trinity / Minefield 'The Juice Unleashed' Mini-Tour June 2007

[show listing]  ______________________________
[Jun 6,2007 10:29pm - blue ""]
[Jun 6,2007 10:33pm - brian_dc ""]
lol @ World Tour
[Jun 7,2007 2:19pm - blue ""]
[Jun 7,2007 2:30pm - RichHorror ""]
Minefield too? Sweet! I love that band.
[Jun 7,2007 2:39pm - Anthony ""]
Cool dudes. Hopefully you'll impress people enough on the 16th that they'll come back and see you again on the 18th.
[Jun 7,2007 5:46pm - zyklon ""]
brian_dc said:lol @ World Tour

Wow what label they have?

[Jun 8,2007 2:49pm - blue ""]
[Jun 8,2007 2:51pm - MadOakDevin ""]
have fun loading into lit lounge. fucking those stairs are a pain in the ass.

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