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so poland is trying to ban metal shows....

[Jun 19,2007 12:16am - fleshfries ""]
those goddamn fucking christians....

[Jun 19,2007 12:20am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I read that some where.
[Jun 19,2007 8:40am - largefreakatzero ""]
How many Pollocks does it take to ban a metal show?

Please add hilarious punchlines...
[Jun 19,2007 11:32am - HailAtWork  ""]
can't they just ban christian music instead?
[Jun 19,2007 11:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
The only problem with Poland... is that it's filled with Pollocks.
[Jun 19,2007 11:49am - Archaeon ""]
that would make more sense if behemoth was remotely satanic.
[Jun 19,2007 12:35pm - Kinslayer (aka c.dagger)  ""]
Chris Poland?
[Jun 19,2007 12:51pm - Dave Mustaine  ""]
Kinslayer said:Chris Poland?


What? Did somebody call me? Yeah, fuck that guy.
[Jun 19,2007 1:07pm - Anthony ""]
Archaeon said:that would make more sense if behemoth was remotely satanic.

Hardly Satanic, hugely anti-Christian

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