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Pig Destroyer- Phantom Limb

[Jun 22,2007 5:16pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Simply awesome. This band fails to disappoint. Just as good as Terrifyer.
[Jun 22,2007 5:28pm - blue ""]
really looking forward to picking this up.
[Jun 22,2007 6:22pm - Ryan_M ""]
I didn't think it was anything to get a boner about. But I'm biased since I refuse to believe that they'll ever top Prowler in the Yard.
[Jun 22,2007 6:35pm - badsneakers ""]
it's pretty awesome

had it for a couple weeks now
[Jun 22,2007 7:26pm - kyle NlI  ""]
they will never top prowler. period.
[Jun 23,2007 1:25pm - Whoremastery ""]
i dont know...prowler is killer...but terrifyer and this new one are fucking insane!
[Jun 23,2007 1:55pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Phantom Limb should sue.
[Jun 23,2007 8:43pm - SM Nose Chief  ""]
i enjoy it
[Jun 23,2007 10:21pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
I constantly check this band out everytime they release a new CD because they have potential to be good, but never are.
[Jun 23,2007 11:27pm - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Just as good as Terrifyer.

Wow, now I already know it sucks without even listening to it.
[Jun 24,2007 1:14pm - Whoremastery ""]
what!! terrifyer is killer... and the new one is incredible...I think this band justs gets better every album.
[Jun 24,2007 7:27pm - yummy ""]
With some bands it's unfair to compare each new album with the previous "best" album imo. Not sure why it's only with some bands but not with Pig Destroyer. I can appreciate anything by them whether it's better or worse than Prowler (even tho it is my fav).
[Jun 24,2007 9:35pm - Hoser ""]
Prowler in the Yard is the best album they ever did...hands fucking down.
[Mar 27,2008 1:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
not too crazy bout the first half of the album. the rest qualifies for an incredibly brutal EP though. fuckin love their guitar tone... razor sharp.
[Mar 27,2008 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
i really like this album. its not obnoxious like the majority of grind out there.

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