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Rapper ripping off My Dying Bride

[Jul 2,2007 2:00am - Samantha ""]

[Jul 2,2007 5:27am - thegreatspaldino ""]
how? all i hear is dumb garbage pop/"rap"
[Jul 2,2007 10:59am - dreadkill ""]
da fields of blood yo, i lef'
dey mean nuffin to you, bitch
dat war lef' scars on me, muthafucka
witoutchoo now, i'm free
word ups to abe lincoln, dawg
[Jul 2,2007 11:17am - Ryan_M nli  ""]
There's nothing in that song that sounds like My Dying Bride. At all.
[Jul 2,2007 2:07pm - Samantha ""]
The string part is sampled from "The Sexuality of Bereavement".
[Jul 2,2007 2:45pm - P Qwan  ""]
yo shUt yo bu$ta playdough azz up b. i don need no sucka azz Dyin Brides guzzla shit rollin up all ova my beats. Fuck yall head bangin Axel Rose leatha pants grape smuggla herbs. DIS DA STREETZ!
[Jul 2,2007 2:46pm - RichHorror ""]
haha, so strange.
[Jul 2,2007 4:44pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
the sample doesnt sound like violin (on my shitty speakers), sounds like slow strings on a synth, that lick is played on violin

same notes though
[Jul 2,2007 5:03pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
oh no... a song that has the same notes as another song! alert the intrarwebz!
[Jul 2,2007 5:59pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Fabolous' other new single is much better.

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