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Harry Potter @ the Imax in Reading MA~fight breaks out

[Jul 17,2007 2:11pm - succubus ""]
can anyone find the news article?
My corworker went to see the new Harry Potter @ the Imax in Reading MA. Right before the last 30 minutes (which was in 3D), a man yells out (this is a Saturday matinee)...something to the effect of..."lady if you don't shut those f@ckin kids up soon.." and he yelled it across the theatre..and so the woman stood up and walked towards him because she didn't want to yell across the theatre...and she apologized and was like "sorry there are young kids"..anyhow...he proceeded to shove her...and then she punched him in the face....and I guess everyone cheered...hmm...cops showed up and interviewed people and he got made fun of for shoving a girl and then getting punched in the face.
That's how it was told to me..i'm curious to read the article but haven't found it yet..
[Jul 17,2007 2:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
BAHAHAHA i'd sit through a harry potter movie to see that.
[Jul 18,2007 1:57pm - succubus ""]
so no one found any articles?
[Jul 18,2007 1:58pm - Aegathis ""]
for a second i thought this was gonna be an article about how Harry Potter fights Breakdowns.
[Jul 18,2007 2:00pm - porphyria  ""]
I hate kids in movie theaters, I hate anyone that talks past the opening credits.
[Jul 18,2007 3:34pm - Yeti ""]
Harry Potter should start dressing in Hot Topic gear and practicing "wicca" for the next movie. he should suffer trendy teenage angst.

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