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ATTN : aaron

[Jul 19,2007 10:43am - succubus ""]
get some glasses you blind bastid!
[Jul 19,2007 10:49am - the_reverend ""]
I don't think that glasses will help. it's like when someone says "I put it in the trunk of the car" so you pull the paneling out of the trunk trying to find whatever it was. then you get back in the car not finding it and drive away. 5 miles down the road you look over and it's not only sitting in the front seat next to you, but in the 2 seats behind you under some gatorade bottles.
[Jul 19,2007 11:13am - succubus ""]
so it's a guy thing then?
all men are just blind? I'dsay it's more of an aaron thing...
[Jul 19,2007 11:50am - Niccolai ""]
Well the glasses will at least make you LOOK smarter.

[Jul 19,2007 11:54am - largefreakatzero ""]
succubus said:so it's a guy thing then?
all men are just blind? I'dsay it's more of an aaron thing...

Men tend to look with their mouth instead of their eyes. Example: it is much more satisfying to walk around the house yelling "Where the fuck is that fucking screwdriver?" and blaming the lost screwdriver on someome else rather than just trying to remember where you last put it.
[Jul 19,2007 11:56am - RichHorror ""]
The goggles, they do nothing!
[Jul 19,2007 12:01pm - succubus ""]
It's true that he rarely finds things around the house..but what happened yesterday is that I told him to pick up the Phoenix for me because I had pics on the cover and inside...so being as blind as he is...he grabs 2 copies and flips through one of them and puts them back and texts me saying I have no photos in there...I tell him to get me the paper because I am in it...I guess he didn't see 2 photos on the cover, my name on the inside front sleeve and then the quarter page on the "phoenix.com" page with my name is HUGE print plus another pic later on the paper...
[Jul 19,2007 12:11pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm already sick of hearing about this. I flipped through the music section where our stuff always has been. it wasn't on the cover of the music section so I flipped through the entire music section looking for her pictures and found nothing. After being yelled at for not unplugging chargers and leaving my PS3 on crunching proteins to cure cancer, I thought "if we aren't in the paper, there is no reason to just bring these copies home and then throw them away where when someone else could enjoy this fine newspaper" so I put them back. After talking to carina, I went back and grabbed the last copy, this time, I looked at the front of the magazine and saw her pictures so I brought it with me. Now, I've given her a copy of the paper, but it's not good enough. Her name is now is 12pt font instead of 10pt font so she wants to send a copy to her mom.

anyhow, when things are "lost" around the house it's 99% of the time because someone moved them or put their shit on top of what you are looking for. I tend to put everything in the same location all the time so I know where they mostlikely will be. So when I say "where are my fucking buttplugs", it's because they aren't in their usually location.
[Jul 19,2007 12:19pm - succubus ""]
maybe if you cleaned your ears...I said FRONT COVER and i said NOT in the music section. Live earth was a big deal so bite me. You bust my chops asking for this and that and i simply get it. When I just have pics, i don't HAVE to get it (unlike YOU)
ps: it's 14 font
pss: the copies are printed out anyhow..if there are left over copies they'll get thrown out..might as well grab a couple of copies and then recycle the parts you don't want

I read on the internet that you get smacked around by your woman...remind me to smack you when I see you tonight
[Jul 19,2007 12:33pm - the_reverend ""]
and remind me to try to put my fingers in your butt ass you sleep. oops.. i mean as.
[Jul 19,2007 12:42pm - Niccolai ""]
the_reverend said:
when things are "lost" ...

I love that fucking show.
[Jul 19,2007 2:59pm - yummy ""]
It is an Aaron thing.
[Jul 19,2007 3:59pm - succubus ""]
aaron..THaise saw the issue and told me to tell you:
16 font!

[Jul 19,2007 4:00pm - the_reverend ""]
tell her to stop squinting her eyes.

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