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ATTN: Stockowners

[Jul 20,2007 9:20am - succubus ""]
Who owns stock?
How's yer stock doing?
What stocks do you own?

A coworker and I jsut chatted about this for about the last half an hour and so i'm feeling inqusitive.

I own EMC stock and Limited Brands stock..i also own a couple of other high tech but a low quantity that i only get because i own EMC.
[Jul 20,2007 9:48am - largefreakatzero ""]
I own stock. I have a little bit of EMC, but its performance is less than impressive. I just moved my holdings to a new broker that seems like he's doing a much better job than the last guy.
[Jul 20,2007 10:00am - larissa nli  ""]
PCU (Southern Copper) - we'll always need electricity, plus booyah on the dividends

also AAPL becase everyone hates Apple on this board, heh
[Jul 20,2007 2:57pm - succubus ""]
if you own apple then yer doing well!

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