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Yusuf Islam (x- Cat Stevens)/ Disgorge (Mex)/ Christina Aguilera @ Marks

[Jul 23,2007 2:14pm - streatteamnh  ""]
New England Concerts
Yusuf Islam (x- Cat Stevens)
Disgorge (Mex)
Christina Aguilera
Goodtime Emporium
Monday August 13th
[Jul 23,2007 2:23pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
??? how does this belong on RTTP?

Yusuf Islam? isn't that the dude with the song "a is for allah"
[Jul 23,2007 2:25pm - Anthony ""]
Dude... you need to work on getting jokes.
[Jul 23,2007 2:26pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Anthony said:Dude... you need to work on getting jokes.

I'm dead serious, no lie

[Jul 23,2007 2:27pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

there's the link to the song on youtube, douche
[Jul 23,2007 2:29pm - ZJD ""]
I think he meant how this show is obviously not happening and clearly a joke.
[Jul 23,2007 2:29pm - Anthony ""]
[Jul 23,2007 2:30pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I could understand that part of it, thought that part was obvious, I thought disbelief was at my seriousness of stating the fact that such a lame song exists.
[Jul 23,2007 2:32pm - archaeon ""]
disgorge (US) is bettaaaa

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