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Saturday August 11th: Reverend Grundarr and the Unholy Trinity, Lord Mantis, and The Proselyte

[show listing]  __________________________________________
[Jul 26,2007 1:43pm - MadOakDevin nli  ""]
Plain and simple
Saturday August 11th:
Reverend Grundarr and the Unholy Trinity
Lord Mantis
The Proselyte
9PM, 21+, $7 or $8 depending on if i get another band or not

[Jul 26,2007 1:45pm - Anthony ""]
[Jul 26,2007 1:46pm - Anthony ""]
[Jul 29,2007 5:51pm - MadOakDevin nli  ""]
haha oops. this shit is at O'Brien's.
[Aug 1,2007 2:00pm - MadOakDevin nli  ""]
[Aug 5,2007 6:24pm - MadOakDevin nli  ""]
[Aug 5,2007 6:25pm - dreadkill ""]
the proselyte rules
[Aug 5,2007 6:35pm - MadOakDevin nli  ""]
agreed. they are one of my favorite new boston bands.
[Aug 6,2007 12:10pm - blue ""]
[Aug 11,2007 5:07pm - MadOakDevin nli  ""]
[Aug 11,2007 8:43pm - bradmann ""]
wish i could go
[Aug 12,2007 1:45am - fishcakes ""]
man, I am still hung over from last nite, or I woulda gone to this shit.

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