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dont throw money at Corpsegrinder or he'll rip your dick off

[Aug 1,2007 4:12pm - FleshFries ""]
[Aug 1,2007 5:32pm - Anthony ""]
George Fisher is the fucking man. Too bad the kid didn't have the balls to go up there, I would have liked to see him get his ass handed to him.
[Aug 1,2007 5:44pm - da chief  ""]
yeah thats def a good laugh
[Aug 1,2007 5:53pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I personally think George Fisher tries too hard to be "metal;" like in one of the CC DVDs, he says something like, "So you think metal sucks, huh?" ::punches punching bag in a very awkward manner:: "Does that suck?!" He's a bit too goofy for me to take seriously.
[Aug 1,2007 5:56pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
he's wicked tuff guy
[Aug 1,2007 7:43pm - hungtableed  ""]
That was fucking awesome.
[Aug 1,2007 7:45pm - RichHorror ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:I personally think George Fisher tries too hard to be "metal;" like in one of the CC DVDs, he says something like, "So you think metal sucks, huh?" ::punches punching bag in a very awkward manner:: "Does that suck?!" He's a bit too goofy for me to take seriously.

That really makes me want to have a bare knuckles boxing match with him in his backyard.
[Aug 1,2007 7:48pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i'm with ya on that one, rich...

i honestly wouldnt mind boxing corpsegrinder... not out of hate... just because he is a big dude and i am a big dude and i could tell people i boxed the vocalist of one of my favorite bands.
[Aug 1,2007 7:50pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Funny shit.
[Aug 1,2007 8:57pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
RichHorror said:MarkFuckingRichards said:I personally think George Fisher tries too hard to be "metal;" like in one of the CC DVDs, he says something like, "So you think metal sucks, huh?" ::punches punching bag in a very awkward manner:: "Does that suck?!" He's a bit too goofy for me to take seriously.

That really makes me want to have a bare knuckles boxing match with him in his backyard.

I want to see Rich Horror Vs. George Fisher in a no-holds-barred, steel cage tickle fight.
[Aug 1,2007 9:14pm - archaeon ""]
I'd love to for people to throw money at me.
[Aug 1,2007 9:34pm - rotivore ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:I personally think George Fisher tries too hard to be "metal;" like in one of the CC DVDs, he says something like, "So you think metal sucks, huh?" ::punches punching bag in a very awkward manner:: "Does that suck?!" He's a bit too goofy for me to take seriously.

I agree.....he's more like dorkgrinder.
[Aug 1,2007 10:20pm - KeithMutiny ""]
he aint doin shit
[Aug 2,2007 12:21am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I'd fight Abe Lincoln.
[Aug 2,2007 12:26am - NIGGER ""]
[Aug 2,2007 12:27am - FleshFries ""]
i like george's reaction better than dave's.....


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