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has anyone heard of a band called militianary

[Aug 6,2007 10:17pm - realmonster ""]
just wondering i saw them a while ago
[Aug 6,2007 10:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
heard of but have not listened to.
[Aug 6,2007 10:31pm - brad weymouth  ""]
im friends with the guitarist, they are no more. try myspace,
[Aug 6,2007 10:33pm - archaeon ""]
we played with them last year, didn't get to see them. Their songs on their myspace are pretty sweet though.
[Aug 6,2007 10:42pm - Mess ""]
[Aug 7,2007 12:13am - horror_tang ""]
They had the best drummer in Boston.
[Aug 7,2007 12:14am - dreadkill ""]
john gillis is a killer drummer with an even awesomer last name. militianary was a cool band.
[Aug 7,2007 12:16am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
brad weymouth said:im friends with the guitarist, they are no more. try myspace,

They're no more? That sucks. I saw 'em last year at the Flywheel in Easthampton and they were awesome!
[Aug 7,2007 12:17am - horror_tang ""]
Gillis moved away.
[Aug 7,2007 12:17am - horror_tang ""]
Far away.
[Aug 7,2007 12:18am - horror_tang ""]
Too far to play in any local bands.
[Aug 7,2007 2:03am - da chief  ""]
Mess said:MILITIANARY kills

[Aug 7,2007 2:09am - Lamp ""]
Wow...I'd never heard this band before, these guys are actually pretty badass.
[Aug 7,2007 10:22am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Militianary was awesome. Gillis is king.

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