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The Official "Vick"Chew Toy

[Aug 7,2007 3:21pm - DeathGrind  ""]

I wish I had a dog....
[Aug 7,2007 3:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
HA! it totally sucks to be Michael Vick
[Aug 7,2007 3:52pm - Anthony ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:HA! it totally sucks to be Michael Vick

Faggot deserves it. If there was really justice, after conviction, they should just cover him in blood and throw in a pit of hungry, angry pitbulls. And televise it. I wanna see that shit.
[Aug 7,2007 3:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I'd pay $40 to pay-per-view to see that. but only if they dressed up the pitbulls in football uniforms and chased vick (who would be holding a steak instead of a football) down the field to his ultimate demise.
[Aug 7,2007 3:54pm - Niccolai ""]
Anthony said:FuckIsMySignature said:HA! it totally sucks to be Michael Vick

Faggot deserves it. If there was really justice, after conviction, they should just cover him in blood and throw in a pit of hungry, angry pitbulls. And televise it. I wanna see that shit.

Why? so we could watch him steal all thier stereos? fuck that. Those dogs have gone through enough abuse.
[Aug 7,2007 10:30pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
He's innocent. Dogfighting rules!
[Aug 7,2007 11:23pm - DeathGrub  ""]
He's guilty. Black people suck!
[Aug 7,2007 11:28pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

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