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New Ancient//Master Material

[Aug 21,2007 8:20pm - HUNTERHUNTER ""]
Check out our new material!
[Aug 21,2007 9:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The typo in the Myspace URL rules!
[Aug 22,2007 7:42am - HUNTERHUNTER ""]
yeah mikey doesnt know how to spell
on a side note, did anyone actually listen to this or have an opinion?
[Aug 27,2007 5:18pm - hungtableed  ""]
These tracks are awesome. It's definitely nothing that I'd really ever thought that I would get in to but I've found myself hitting up the Ancient//Master myspace numerous times a day to listen to these tracks. Why don't I just download them....I guess that would make sense huh?

The band Drudkh you've got listed on there is fucking awesome! Blood in Our Wells is such a great disc.

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