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I <3 the police

[Aug 29,2007 8:43am - succubus ""]
mad props to portsmouth police right now too!
[Aug 29,2007 8:45am - Mess ""]
[Aug 29,2007 8:47am - succubus ""]
speeding in a school zone (well 20 miles over the limit) with no registration (i'm a moron) and not having a NH license despite living in NH (do have my MA one though I've livied in NH for a couple of years and have NH plates)
and getting off with a warning.
[Aug 29,2007 8:48am - largefreakatzero ""]
I have met very few cops who do not suck.
[Aug 29,2007 8:48am - SkinSandwich ""]
Ha, a cop down here was in court and only got probation for beating on some 10 and 11 year olds. good times.


Of course I would beat them too if they shot my truck with paintball guns.
[Aug 29,2007 8:51am - the_reverend ""]
hm.. I wonder why he let you off
[Aug 29,2007 1:19pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
hahah I thought this was about the band
[Aug 29,2007 1:46pm - HailAtWork  ""]
largefreakatzero said:I have met very few cops who do not suck.
[Aug 29,2007 3:23pm - Lamp ""]
There's state police barracks near where I work. Those guys sure do love club sandwiches.
[Aug 29,2007 3:26pm - Lamp ""]
On a side note, I have met very few people who "hail the leaf" that do not suck.
[Aug 29,2007 3:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
the_reverend said:hm.. I wonder why he let you off

There's a reason the shirt says "OMFG."
[Aug 29,2007 4:35pm - ArrowHead likes Pie  ""]
Lamp said:I have met very few people who "hail the leaf" that do not suck.

Hey, fuck off. Not all of us potheads are libertarian or hippy retards.

[Aug 29,2007 4:36pm - ArrowHead likes Pie  ""]
I came to this thread expecting photos or a video of the Police playing live. Instead I got boobs.

RTTP is like a box of chocolates....ya never know what yer gonna git.
[Aug 29,2007 4:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ArrowHead likes Pie said:I came to this thread expecting photos or a video of the Police playing live. Instead I got boobs.

RTTP is like a box of chocolates....ya never know what yer gonna git.

unfornately for you... life is like a box of LIVE GRENADES!! ahahaaha.

[Aug 29,2007 5:59pm - Dankill  ""]
Boobs do wonders
[Aug 29,2007 9:31pm - hooker nibbling penis  ""]
she keeps a pair of scissors in the glove box for emergency v-neck procedures
[Aug 30,2007 3:37am - Dwellingsickness ""]
ArrowHead likes Pie said:I came to this thread expecting photos or a video of the Police playing live. Instead I got boobs.

RTTP is like a box of chocolates....ya never know what yer gonna git.

BOOBS> Live vids of old men
[Aug 30,2007 9:41am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Screw the police.

I got a $100 ticket today.
[Aug 30,2007 9:47am - Lamp ""]
ArrowHead likes Pie said:Lamp said:I have met very few people who "hail the leaf" that do not suck.

Hey, fuck off. Not all of us potheads are libertarian or hippy retards.

Because obviously the perfect way to prove to me that you don't suck is to get defensive over a generalized message board comment that's not even necessarily directed at you. :spineyes:
[Aug 30,2007 9:48am - Mess ""]
he's on drugs
[Aug 30,2007 10:03am - ArrowHead likes Pie  ""]
Lamp said:ArrowHead likes Pie said:Lamp said:I have met very few people who "hail the leaf" that do not suck.

Hey, fuck off. Not all of us potheads are libertarian or hippy retards.

Because obviously the perfect way to prove to me that you don't suck is to get defensive over a generalized message board comment that's not even necessarily directed at you. :spineyes:

Or it might have been a side-handed insult towards hailtheleaf. Hmmm, go figure.
[Aug 30,2007 10:08am - Lamp ""]

There's definitely a difference between a regular pothead and someone who makes their screen name "HAIL THE LEAF". What an asshole.
[Aug 30,2007 10:48am - succubus ""]
[Aug 30,2007 9:41am - ConquerTheBaphomet]
Screw the police.

I got a $100 ticket today.
that sucks
what was it for?
[Aug 30,2007 10:56am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
succubus said:____________________________________
[Aug 30,2007 9:41am - ConquerTheBaphomet]
Screw the police.

I got a $100 ticket today.
that sucks
what was it for?

Not having boobs.
[Aug 30,2007 11:03am - the_reverend ""]
nyuck nyuck
[Aug 30,2007 11:56am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
succubus said:____________________________________
[Aug 30,2007 9:41am - ConquerTheBaphomet]
Screw the police.

I got a $100 ticket today.
that sucks
what was it for?

Going 75 in a 55 on the Spaulding Turnpike on the way home this morning.
[Aug 30,2007 12:28pm - succubus ""]
wow that blows...75 is totallty reasonable and people are usually going that speed anyhow.
[Aug 30,2007 12:38pm - Yeti ""]
its funny that its "screw the police for pulling me over for speeding!".
[Aug 30,2007 2:01pm - HailAtWork  ""]
Lamp said:Yes.

There's definitely a difference between a regular pothead and someone who makes their screen name "HAIL THE LEAF". What an asshole.

Yes, that was my choice of a screen name clearly only because of pot use, it had nothing to do with it being the title of a Down song. You must've picked Lamp because you like to stick lightbulbs up your ass...so much rational thought on this message board.
[Aug 30,2007 2:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
What is being butthurt?
Being butthurt means you take something someone has said, written, implied or suggested way too goddamn seriously, let it hurt your feelings, effect your world view, instigate impulses toward retribution, or in some other way allowed it to give you an excuse for engaging in extreme, antisocial behaviour.

1. Feel your butt. Does it hurt? Then you are literally butthurt.
2. Examine why you would be butthurt. Is the attack personal, racial, ideological, theological or sociological?
3. Try to understand the impetous of your butthurtishness.
4. If your reason is valid, inform the butthurter that you would appreciate it if he/she would please cease any and all butthurting activity in your vacinity.
5. If your reason is invalid, and you just want an excuse to be mad at something, click here.

1. They act irritated at your very presence.
2. They use foul language whilst describing you.
3. They refuse you admittence to their pity party.
4. They name a wart, cyst or boil on their genitals after you.
5. They threaten to set fire to your cat.
6. They call you up at 2:30am on a work day to call you an asshole and hang up.
7. They have killed you.

1. "Sorry, I meant that in a good way."
2. "Oops, I forgot you were a whiney little bitch."
3. "You never told me you were (Fill in the blank)."
4. "Cheer up... somebody's bound to fuck you."
[Aug 30,2007 2:23pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:succubus said:____________________________________
[Aug 30,2007 9:41am - ConquerTheBaphomet]
Screw the police.

I got a $100 ticket today.
that sucks
what was it for?

Not having boobs.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH! This made me laugh in the most awkward old man way ever.

Getting a $100 ticket for doing 20 miles over the speed limit...consider yourself lucky. In MA that would probably have been a $200 ticket. I get to dispute a $300 ticket in court on Sept. 18th for allegedly going 85 in a 55, even though I was stuck going 70-75 for 10 miles because of the person in front of me monopolizing the fast lane.

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