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drug bust on route 1

[Aug 30,2007 11:02pm - succubus ""]
3 cop cars and toung kids...oohhh
[Aug 30,2007 11:08pm - the_reverend ""]
uh.. I thought this was going to be about boobs.
[Aug 31,2007 2:28am - Dwellingsickness ""]
How you know this is a drug bust,You stop and ask?
[Aug 31,2007 4:34am - HappySunshineBaby ""]
Waaaaaait... drug bust doesnt mean big tittied meth addicts? I fuckin quit.
[Aug 31,2007 8:02am - sxealex ""]
big titted meth addicts dont exist
[Aug 31,2007 8:04am - the_reverend ""]
wasn't pamela anderson on meth? alex, with implants even you could be big titted. then maybe you would leave nick's luvbumps alone and tonight I would get to see TTOS.
[Aug 31,2007 8:08am - Mess ""]
and guuuuuuuuns!
[Aug 31,2007 8:16am - the_reverend ""]
guns meaning bangbang or meaning boobs? where you there? or only in spirit.

thinking about it, imagine rotten.com's downward spiral with implants. now that would be hilarious. it'd be like 2 oranges rolling around in a tarp.
[Aug 31,2007 8:18am - Mess ""]
it's a song i was thinking about

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