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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to DaveFromTheGrave.
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[QUOTE="DaveFromTheGrave:664819"]I used to work at the olive garden. One night, I was hosting, and one of the duties of the host is to check the bathroom, every hour, on the hour. Well, I went in to check it at one point, and walking past the handicapped stall, I noticed that somebody had dropped a turd and forgot to flush. Disgusted, I kicked the flusher with my foot and ran out of there. An hour later, I checked the bathroom again, and discovered to my horror that frankenturd was still sitting right where it had taken up residence over an hour earlier. This being my second attempt at flushing it, I happened to notice the excessive size of this shitblimp. It was about the same size as one of those summer sausages that they sell at the mall around christmastime. how anyone managed to squeeze something that large through their shitter, I'll never know, but I did notice that there were streaks of blood on the end of this turd, so I'm guessing that whoever left it there was going to watch their fiber intake from now on. I nearly quit my job over this turd, when I told my boss about it and he told me to do something about it. finally I grabbed a plunger out of the back and used that to push it down, and it finally flushed. This thing had incubated in there for at least an hour. goddamn. Later that evening, i was alerted that a similar mess had occured in the women's room. this time, I flat-out refused to get involved. a moment later, I saw my boss and one of the dishwashers walking in there with a mop, mop bucket, floor squeegee, and deck brush. They were both wearing huge rubber gloves and these great big rubber aprons that the dishwashers usually wore. i think that if full-body biohazard containment suits had been available to them, they would have worn them. From what I heard, this mess encompassed not only the toilet, but the walls of the stall surrounding it and parts of the floor in the stalls next to that one. I don't work at Olive garden anymore. [/QUOTE]
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