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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to MarkFuckingRichards.
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[QUOTE="MarkFuckingRichards:664848"]About 2 winters ago, right after I was done with several, massive final projects in college, I took the largest shit that had ever been shat in the history of Mark Richards, and quite possibly the world...or at least I'd like to think so. I guess from the stress and non-stop work/junk food intake of about 3 or 4 days straight, I failed to relieve myself of bowel movements. I was walking through Target with my boss and my girlfriend the day after the semester ended when it hit me like a ton of bricks falling from my stomach to my rectum in one fell swoop. It was the most painful ordeal of my life, and I would have taken another dislocated knee if given the choice. It took about 2 minutes to dislodge the brown beast from my abused anus, but as soon as it was over, I was more relieved than I had ever been in my entire life. To make it even better, it was a perfectly clean wipe. When I looked at the toilet to see what I had birthed, I burst out laughing in disbelief. One solid log of shit, very close to the size of a Pringles can, was poking its ugly head out of the water. I flushed 4 times, and it did not even move. There was no way this thing could even get far enough to clog the toilet, so I bolted. Obviously, I bragged about it to my boss and my girlfriend, and of course neither of them believed me. After checking out, we were walking by the bathrooms as the security guard came out and said to one of the managers, "You have got to see that thing...it's like a fucking Pringles can, no lie!"[/QUOTE]
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