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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to NoodleFace.
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[QUOTE="NoodleFace:664959"]I got a few. My bowel movements are record-breakers on a daily basis. People usually never believe me, so from now on I leave them behind to scare people straight. Anyways, my first story is from work a few years ago. I work at the Shaw's Supermarket in Raynham. Well a few years ago we were being remodeled, with half of the store closed off with construction. We normally have an employee's bathroom and customer's bathroom. The customer's bathroom usually smells like fucking shit and has urine streamed around the walls. Well, unfortunately the employee bathroom was closed of due to the construction. Then some jackass clogged up the customer toilet so badly that they had to close the bathroom down for 3 hours. I've never had to take a dump as bad as this day in my life. I held it in with all of my might for as long as I could.. but I knew it had to go. I contemplated leaving work sick, but decided to tough it out. I walked to the customer bathroom that was closed, it had yellow tape all over the door and stall like it was a homicide investigation. When I got to the toilet it was just empty, no water or anything. So, I began the 3 minute process of expelling my bowels with as much force as I could muster. The beast that came out of me looked like someone tried to flush a black 3-year old down the toilet, it was huge. I was proud, and it smelled BAD because there was no water. I left that bathroom so proud.. and wouldn't you know as I was walking out the door our caretaker was walking in the stall to attempt to fix the toilet. I felt pretty awful.. I still work with this girl and she still gives me weird looks. She knew what I did.. just flat out dumped in an empty toilet and left it for her to fish out with a scooper. The best part is the girl is mentally retarded. The only other funny story I can think of is one time my boss was taking a shit in the customer bathroom and some guy came running in. He said the guy started banging on the stall going "ARE YOU DONE YET?!" over and over. He says the guy makes a grunt and he just sees diarrhea fall through the guys pants and all over the floor.. the guy says "Nevermind" and runs out of the store. Oh one other one I forgot is one day I was walking into work and this mentally retarded guy pulls down his pants right in front of the entrance door and starts shooting diarrhea against the cement wall behind him. It was so disgusting, never seen anything like it, made me want to puke. He pulled up his pants and just ran away laughing. [/QUOTE]
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