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Tribute to Cliff Burton

[Sep 12,2007 1:38pm - IMMOLATION  ""]
Cliff Burton was one of the most talented musicians that ever lived. He could play the bass like you couldn't believe. Cliff was a major part in making Metallica the band it is today. A lot of the newer fans may not have a lot of knowledge about Cliff Burton, but if they did, they would realize what a force in the band he was. In my opinion there may never be another bassist to match or beat Cliff Burton. He was definitely a ONE-OF-A-KIND! He will never be forgotten.

Rest in Peace my friend: February 10, 1962 - September 27, 1986
[Sep 12,2007 1:38pm - IMMOLATION  ""]
[Sep 12,2007 1:44pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Almost 21 years... Damn.

Why you gotta bum a nigga out like that?
[Sep 12,2007 2:49pm - Seth/Hekseri  ""]
That was the end of the band when the other band mates started to take over, lars with his big mouth and kirk just following and james going with his drunken/sober emotions and writing crap....They all should of died in the bus and Cliff lived to play on!
[Sep 12,2007 2:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 12,2007 3:00pm - Lamp ""]
There's a Fetus Eaters song called "The Bus Should Have Landed On Lars".
[Sep 12,2007 3:01pm - sinistas ""]
Cliff was the shit. Bell bottoms, a Ric, and massive headbanging. How many bassists have imitated him? Tons.
[Sep 12,2007 3:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Lamp said:There's a Fetus Eaters song called "The Bus Should Have Landed On Lars".

I must hear this song because I believe that theory to be absolutley true.
[Sep 12,2007 3:12pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
"F.W.T.B.T (I Dream of Lars Ulrich Being Thrown Through the Bus Window instead of My Master Mystikall Kliff Burton)" by Sunn O))) is pretty dope.
[Sep 12,2007 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
his death was one of the biggest tragedies in music history, as it brought down the mightiest of mighty bands. but i cannot deny the power of ...And Justice For All. i look at that like a tribute to Cliff Burton.
[Sep 12,2007 3:37pm - dreadkill ""]
i haven't watched cliff em all in a while. i need to do that. he was one of the main reasons i ever picked up a bass.
[Sep 12,2007 4:01pm - Ryan_M ""]
I never fully appreciated Cliff as the master bass player he was until I watched Cliff em All - you listen to "Anesthesia: Pulling Teeth" on Kill em All and think "That sounds pretty cool" but its just mind blowing to actually watch him play the shit on video...

As far as his death ruining Metallica, I have to disagree. ...And Justice for All was a killer record. If you ask me, the decision to work with Bob Rock killed Metallica. Everything that made Metallica great in the first place was watered down and sugar coated with slick production - it wasn't about making music anymore, it turned into making a product that would SELL. Working with Bob Rock changed them from kings of the underground into pop-metal superstars and that's what killed the band.
[Sep 12,2007 5:45pm - Whoremastery ""]
hails cliff..i was just watching cliff em all.....
"abso motherfuckin loutely"
[Sep 12,2007 5:53pm - yummy ""]
I would have to agree with you Ryan.
[Sep 12,2007 8:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Whoremastery said:hails cliff..i was just watching cliff em all.....
"abso motherfuckin loutely"

the best part is the shoplifting at the liquor store.

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