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Abbath Don't Feel Like Dancin'

[Sep 19,2007 2:06am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Sep 19,2007 2:10am - GoatCatalyst ""]
only an asshole would find humor in such a thing
[Sep 19,2007 2:29am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Watch it at 3:45.
[Sep 19,2007 9:30am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
That is officially awesome. Total kvlt.
[Sep 19,2007 10:56am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
This rules.
[Sep 19,2007 11:00am - GoatCatalyst ""]
this is more gooder:


the best part starts at 3:20

... and the music doesn't make me want to smooch a dude (like some other video)
[Sep 19,2007 11:29am - Anthny  ""]
I think if you were gonna wanna smooch a dude, whether or not the Scissor Sisters were playing in the background would have little effect. I love that song.

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