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Ernest does something appreciation poll

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[Sep 28,2007 1:00pm - Yeti ""]
Hey Vern, Ernest P. Worrell is a man of genius.
[Sep 28,2007 1:04pm - xmikex ""]
Goes to Camp. No fucking contest.

Chicken! Pot! Pie!
[Sep 28,2007 1:13pm - Anthny  ""]
[Sep 28,2007 1:14pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't smoke pot.
[Sep 28,2007 1:19pm - mOe ""]
Scared Stupid all the way
[Sep 28,2007 1:20pm - blue ""]
damn right, scared stupid destroys.
[Sep 28,2007 1:23pm - Yeti ""]
i guess at the time of his death they were wrapping up filming "Ernest the Pirate" but it was completely scrapped. i also liked the show "Hey Vern, Its Ernest".
[Sep 28,2007 1:24pm - Anthony ""]
Scared Stupid is pretty awesome but a little too "Disney"-ish. I like Jail the best.
[Sep 28,2007 1:25pm - Anthony ""]
Ernest the Pirate sounds very awesome.
[Sep 28,2007 1:26pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
There should be an Ernest zombie movie now that he's dead. There's gotta be one already in production somewhere...
[Sep 28,2007 1:28pm - mOe ""]
Yeti said:i guess at the time of his death they were wrapping up filming "Ernest the Pirate" but it was completely scrapped. i also liked the show "Hey Vern, Its Ernest".

agreed...I LOVED his CBS show
[Sep 28,2007 1:32pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
im sure that last one isnt real, we can only dream
[Sep 28,2007 1:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i like all of them up to Scared Stupid.
[Sep 28,2007 1:35pm - neverpurified ""]
I noticed that you didn't mention "Slam Dunk Ernest" i dont think too many people will be offended though
[Sep 28,2007 1:39pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Scared Stupid is definitely the best. I think I watched that movie 5 times in one weekend as a kid and laughed harder and harder each time. I'm sure if I saw it now I'd think it's the dumbest shit ever though, haha.
[Sep 28,2007 2:30pm - xmikex ""]
Goes to Jail has the most votes? I don't fucking believe what I'm seeing.

I'll concede that Scared Stupid was awesome. Let's not kid ourselves that movie was great.

But Ernest goes to Jail over Goes to Camp?? Fuck outta here.

"There are no trees in Botswana. I know this because I am a Botswanian lumberjack and I have never had a job."
[Sep 28,2007 2:39pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Sep 28,2007 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
xmikex said:Goes to Jail has the most votes? I don't fucking believe what I'm seeing.

i like Jail better, but i'm really surprised that Scared Stupid was chosen more over Camp. Camp and Jail are just about equal.
[Sep 28,2007 3:31pm - Yeti ""]
there are a bunch i didn't get due to obscurity:

Slam Dunk Ernest (as mentioned above)
Dr. Otto and the Riddle of the Gloom Beam
Ernest Rides Again
Ernest in the Army
The Ernest Film Festival
Knowwhutimean? Hey Vern, Its My Family Album
Ernest Greatest Hits Vol. 2
Your World As I See It

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