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Cretin Freakery!!!

[Oct 7,2007 8:20pm - rotivore ""]
Holy fucking shit......this is a sick fucking band! total dirty repulsion-esque grindcore. I just heard them for the first time and Im blown away. Finally excited about something new :radio::doublehorns:
[Oct 7,2007 8:39pm - rotivore ""]
this is what a follow up to repulsion's horrified album may have sounded like..........thats a bold statement
[Oct 7,2007 8:44pm - the_reverend ""]
someone doesn't listen to my radio show.
[Oct 7,2007 8:46pm - RichHorror ""]
the_reverend said:everyone doesn't listen to my radio show.

[Oct 7,2007 8:56pm - the_reverend ""]
I knew what you were going to say before I even clicked on this thread.
[Oct 7,2007 9:05pm - rotivore ""]
the_reverend said:someone doesn't listen to my radio show.

ok......give me another band that is as incredible as this, that you play on yer radio show.:cd:
[Oct 7,2007 9:27pm - xanonymousx ""]
wait you don't listen to rttp??? ahhh
he plays every sick and br00tal band their is on the earth.

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