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Insect Warfare - World Extermination

[Oct 9,2007 3:58pm - Lamp ""]
I hadn't been too impressed with all the other stuff I'd heard by this band for some reason, but I just picked up this on CD today...fucking CRUSHING. After it ended, there was no question in my mind I had to listen to it a second time in a row right then and there...and that's something I rarely do. The drums are lightning fast and the guitar tones stomp the heads of dead babies. Anyone into old school grind needs to locate a copy, NOW!
[Oct 9,2007 4:03pm - RichHorror ""]
[Oct 9,2007 4:07pm - W3 nli  ""]
i thought they were good at MDF
[Oct 9,2007 4:52pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I heard a few tracks off of it the other day and it is fucking awesome beyond belief. Insect Warfare and Decrypt are most likely going to be the sole influences for my grind project (whenever the fuck I actually get around to it).
[Oct 9,2007 4:56pm - greggdeadfacenli  ""]
they destroyed the other night at gilman when we played with them and unholy grave.nice dudes too
[Oct 9,2007 7:03pm - Lamp ""]
On my fifth listen already...
[Oct 10,2007 9:50pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Fuck...I don't have that one yet, All I have is Endless execution thru violent restitution and At war with grindcore. Guess a trip to Newbury's is in order if I ever have the cash.
[Oct 10,2007 9:52pm - Lamp ""]
I've listened to this like, 8 or 9 times already. The drumming is some of the fastest I've ever heard.

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