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Band names you've wanted to use but couldn't

[Oct 26,2007 8:26am - immortal13 ""]
I need some ideas here. Of The Betrayed just doesn't fit anymore, since we're more death metal now that we lost the member that held us back from doing so.

Any ideas?
[Oct 26,2007 9:20am - lesbian  ""]
[Oct 26,2007 9:43am - metal_church101 ""]
Elmer Fudd Death Squad
[Oct 26,2007 9:53am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Captain Excellence and the CheeseDonkeys.
[Oct 26,2007 9:58am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

(get it? bills to pay)
[Oct 26,2007 11:30am - Aegathis ""]
Eat a bag of dicks
and Sweatpants Boner
[Oct 26,2007 12:08pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
arrogant squirrel has some stamps
[Oct 26,2007 12:08pm - brandon... ""]
Aegathis said:Eat a bag of dicks
and Sweatpants Boner

Sweatpants boner is a band
[Oct 26,2007 12:09pm - the_reverend ""]
and that's why he can't use it.
[Oct 26,2007 12:13pm - SinisterMinister ""]
That Goddam Infernal Racket
[Oct 26,2007 12:16pm - the_reverend ""]
the Racist Machine Penis.
[Oct 26,2007 12:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
people get killed
[Oct 26,2007 12:21pm - Aegathis ""]
brandon... said:Aegathis said:Eat a bag of dicks
and Sweatpants Boner

Sweatpants boner is a band

and so is eat a bag of dicks
[Oct 26,2007 1:28pm - Yeti ""]
Infernal Machine
[Oct 26,2007 1:41pm - Blue ""]
i always though that 'hot & spicy innards' was an awesome name for a sloppy goregrind band.
[Oct 26,2007 1:43pm - Lamp ""]
I still want to use Urethra Franklin for a goregrind band.
[Oct 26,2007 2:41pm - Whoremastery ""]
Gas shower

For christ sakes

Concentration camp barmitzva (im sure i spelled that wrong, dwyer the human spell check will fix it)
[Oct 26,2007 2:44pm - RichHorror ""]
Chilly Willy & The Funky Frost-Tones
[Oct 26,2007 2:53pm - jonnyrites NLI  ""]
Richard Pryor Conviction
Anna Nicole Smith & Wesson
Stevie Wonder Mic
& Ray Charles Bronson
[Oct 26,2007 2:56pm - dreadkill ""]
Lamp said:I still want to use Urethra Franklin for a goregrind band.

i used that as a band member name for my poopaidsgrind band urethral rerouting. i was urethra franklin and my friend was some other name i can't remember.
[Oct 26,2007 2:56pm - Ryan_M ""]
Green Urethral Discharge
Bloody Feces
Anal Spleen
Placenta Milkshake Enema
Black Urethral Sponge
Pink Sock
[Oct 26,2007 3:09pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Awesome Band Name

Band Name that is Cool

Coolest. Band. Ever.

[Oct 26,2007 3:10pm - dreadkill ""]
three word name
[Oct 26,2007 3:12pm - RichHorror ""]
Urethra Franklin is already a band.
[Oct 26,2007 3:14pm - c.dead  ""]
Don't Call Andrew Andy
Schmandy Andy
Candy Andy
What About Andy
Dandy Andy
Virgin Harry
Bobby Boobs
Smell of Jesus
[Oct 26,2007 3:28pm - Kinslayer  ""]
ROTFLMFAO!1!one!1 @ Smell of Jesus

Hogface Von Pig Tits and Sathohdinns Dark Steeds

Bay of Belfalas - aaaaaoooooohhhhh!!! dun dun da dun CSHHH!! dun da da dun CSHHH!!

[Oct 26,2007 3:32pm - C.DEAD  ""]
hahah, Dark steeds, thats fucking gold.

shit, i totally forgot about Bay of Belfalas. Dunt alunt CSHHH!
[Oct 26,2007 3:32pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 26,2007 3:53pm - Kinslayer  ""]
hahaha dunt alunt CSHHH!

dunt alunt is perfect.

[Oct 26,2007 3:59pm - metal_church101 ""]
Dirty Sanchez and the Cleveland Steamers
[Oct 26,2007 4:06pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
Funkasaurus Rex and the Party Zone
[Oct 26,2007 4:57pm - dreadkill ""]

i thought you named it three word band
[Oct 26,2007 4:57pm - dreadkill ""]
the shitbag faggots
[Oct 26,2007 5:24pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
May Cause Anal Seepage
Colostomy Casserole
[Oct 26,2007 5:35pm - the_reverend ""]
dreadkill: I officially changed it to three word name after some band polictics and kicking out the imaginary bassist for creative differences.
[Oct 26,2007 5:39pm - dreadkill ""]
[Oct 26,2007 6:40pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Oct 26,2007 6:47pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Anything to do with SHIT, BUTT, FECES, ANAL, etc. are the lamest names.
[Oct 26,2007 7:25pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Anything to do with SHIT, BUTT, FECES, ANAL, etc. are the lamest names.

We take pride in being lame.
[Oct 26,2007 7:30pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Let's see, I was in Richard Rape and the Backdoor Boys for a few, and then I was in Cripple With a Death Wish for a little bit. Those were pretty fun. I still want to record as Ritalin is the Answer again at some point, but the other guy pretty much fell off the face of the Earth, so that's easier said than done.
[Oct 26,2007 8:57pm - Kinslayer  ""]
The Christ Punchers
[Oct 26,2007 9:59pm - Lamp ""]
RichHorror said:Urethra Franklin is already a band.

Whaaaat? Shit.
[Oct 26,2007 11:58pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I've come up with so many band names that I want to use that I'm actually planning on creating these bands.

-Gronibard/Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition meets Magrudergrind meets Nasum band: Humungous Humunculus
-Joke tough guy hardcore band: Breakdown Lane
-Satanic Man Metal band: Critical Pickle (our logo is going to be a pentagram with an arrow as if it was crossed with the male symbol; possible t shirt design will be a female symbol with a sad face in it)

I was also thinking of calling a band "Death In The Slow Lane," but I've decided that would work better as a Humungous Humunculus song title.
[Oct 27,2007 12:13am - This_Is_Heresy ""]
My new band: Pissing With An Erection.
Our first hit single: Fucked in the Ass With a Sandpaper Cock.
[Oct 27,2007 12:23am - Lamp ""]
[Oct 27,2007 12:23am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Pissing with an erection is no easy task, unless you don't give a fuck where your piss goes, haha.
[Oct 27,2007 1:23am - NIGGER ""]
[Oct 27,2007 1:45am - deadlikemurf ""]
hatian boat people
moon gooks
[Oct 27,2007 11:19am - the eggman  ""]
Asian Bird Flu (A.B.F.)
[Oct 27,2007 11:22am - the eggman  ""]
The Amazing Yellow Nigger Band
Galactic Wedgie
Thin Lezzy
[Oct 27,2007 11:58am - DrewBlood ""]
kathleen turner overdrive
sally fields forever
heinous inpregnation
unrelenting decomposement
[Oct 27,2007 12:28pm - RichHorror ""]
Lamp said:RichHorror said:Urethra Franklin is already a band.

Whaaaat? Shit.

Yeah, I think they're a Sonic Youth-y type band. But don't quote me on that.
[Oct 27,2007 12:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
every bandname you can think of is already taken. thankfully, however that band is almost always shitty and its worth it steal said name from them.
[Oct 27,2007 12:51pm - SW  ""]
The Red Blood of Buried Dead Martyrs
[Oct 27,2007 12:58pm - the_reverend ""]
just take a really popular name and put something on the end of it.
ACDC of autumn.
see, it works.
[Oct 27,2007 1:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Type O Negative Postive
[Oct 27,2007 1:13pm - the_reverend ""]
http://www.returntothepit.com/bullshit.php ? that's how you got the last one...
It just came up with "Frozen Solution"
that's pretty damn good.
[Oct 27,2007 1:25pm - NIGGER ""]
[Oct 27,2007 2:22pm - SW  ""]
[Oct 27,2007 3:06pm - frenchman nli  ""]
Anti Slant-Eye
[Oct 27,2007 3:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Mortal Dream... of Hurt

that sucks.
[Oct 27,2007 4:03pm - the_reverend ""]
ok.. Ride the Erection
I just got that from the Band name Generator.
[Oct 27,2007 4:05pm - scunt  ""]
shitting dildos
[Oct 27,2007 4:13pm - the_reverend ""]
Rain Soaked Erection
[Oct 30,2007 11:44am - metal_church101 ""]
Rain Soaked Sodomy
[Oct 30,2007 11:55am - Lamp ""]
Syndrome of a Down
[Oct 30,2007 11:59am - Mike_Giallo ""]
I used to be in a stupid band called Pentafukk and I wanted our logo to be a pentagram made out of dicks but it wasn't evil enough.

Also I always wanted to start a mock toughguy hardcore band called Moshdonalds.
[Oct 30,2007 12:32pm - mikeatzero1977  ""]
Giggles Von hamsterbeard!!!
[Oct 30,2007 12:48pm - Yeti ""]
Fupa McDonis and the Meat Tapestries.
[Oct 30,2007 12:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Lamp said:Syndrome of a Down

weird i thought of that one recently too

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