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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
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[QUOTE="succubus:680977"]Wow..so many morons out...everywhere I turned...argh...I stated in a different thread abt the morons being out and delaying the train....so I got there at 723 and the person at will call wouldn't give me my ticket bcz I had my gear on me...I gave up and went to the employee entrance and security didn't know who I was asking them to call...so they kept saying.."don't worry yer escort will come"....I had to pee since 6pm..and what happened? I had just missed the escort..thus missing the opener (one of bob marley's kids) and I just waited there...not knowing what was up...anyhow..while I was waiting a groupee type girl was waiting too..and some dude came out and said "I described you to eddie and gave him your name and he doesn't know who you are so I can't get u a ticket...her reply:can I get a pass? Here's one he gave me in 2004...I know so and so..tell eddie I'm so and so's friend.. no dice....then she asked "what if I buy a ticket, will u give me a pass then.....nope...she was practically in tears at this point and pleaded with him...he said he'd go back in once more......all of a sudden...sully walks in and I'm pretty sure I'm either the same height or taller than him...someone gave him a pass right away...oh..and he was wearing a godsmack jacket....(side note: do bands wear their band merch? I'm not being a dick..serious question here....I don't get it....then my escorts bring me in..I see brian and touched..his camera...aaron will be jealous....nikon sent him a d3 a couple of weeks ago to see what he thought..well now he wants to buy it..anyhow....I was on the floor by the sound board...dammit drunk people walking in aisles while the band plays..grr.....people got in my shots..a lot of them..but def got some keepers....running with the devil! After shooting the songs..got to hang for 2 songs and then I went to the box office..and it was closed...pfft..anyhow...they were great. On train now...working on pics[/QUOTE]
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