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Toy linked to a date rape drug

[Nov 8,2007 8:50am - succubus ""]
[Nov 8,2007 9:23am - scumfuck ""]
i know what i'm getting for christmas.
[Nov 8,2007 11:21am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this seems like its all a set up to go war with China for some shitty reason.

[Nov 8,2007 11:37am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:this seems like its all a set up to go war with China for some shitty reason.


how bout that they're hosting the olympics and we're not?
[Nov 8,2007 12:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
no one gives a shit about the olympics anymore.
[Nov 8,2007 12:45pm - ariavette ""]
ya know what's funny I just thought of, now all the crackhead perv's are gonna go buy this game today and use it in bars.
[Nov 8,2007 1:45pm - The Revealer  ""]
Date rape drug in toys? Where's the sport in that?
[Nov 8,2007 11:40pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Hahahaha, I just got a memo today at work that we have to pull all those off the shelves. Who wants to get FUCKED UP?!

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