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New coheed

[Nov 8,2007 10:31pm - archaeon ""]
Anyone check it out?

I've only listened 2-3 times all the way through. ALOT like the last CD which is a good thing but become a bit irritating because I'm pretty sure they sing a few choruses that are exactly the same. oh well

worth the $14. came with a free 7" too.
[Nov 9,2007 12:11am - bradmann ""]
i mean, it's Vol. 2, so i expected a lot of the same, but i wasn't expecting note for note.

haven't listened all the way through as this fact has hindered my appreciation.
[Nov 9,2007 1:33am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
eh i guess its good music... i just cant get passed the vocals. i really tried.
[Nov 9,2007 6:44am - archaeon ""]
i use to hate them too, now he's one of my favorite singers.
[Nov 9,2007 11:28am - brandon...nli  ""]
I like most of the new cd. but it gets a bit boring near the end.
[Nov 9,2007 5:45pm - death to false metal  ""]

[Nov 9,2007 5:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 9,2007 6:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Also, Coheed is alot more like Rush than any emo band. Emo by definition is a genre of music that writes songs based around themes of emo-tional aguish and self deprecation. Coheed and Cambria write predominately about some ongoing adventuristic fantasy storyline throughout a few concept albums i believe. Although i can see how you could be confused due their fanbase and the vocal stylings... which are both reasons why i cant really get into this band. I will say some of the guitar work, along with the addtion of Chris Pennie, on drums has given me a greater appreciation for their music.
[Nov 9,2007 7:28pm - duanegoldstein ""]
Just got it Joe recomended it, I dig the high ass vocals and stuff, I never heard them before(yes I live under a rock and I have never seen Its a wonderful life. Ha!) overall I like it. I think the singer is more Michael Jackson than Geddy Lee(best bassist ever) though. I would certainly not say they are emo however Im still not really sure what emo is nowadays, I mean mainstream emo is shit bands like fall out boy and my chemical romance. However I always considered Piebald,unwound, sunny day, and in some circles fugazi is emo(or post hardcore?) and I like those bands, so guess now emo is just mainstream shit bands that copy (poorly at that) what the post-hardcore-indie-bands were doing and overproductiong it adding really shitty lyrics to it, selling it at malls and on mtv, ooops (tangent, sorry.) Yeah I dig the new Coheed.

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