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With honor playing 4 shows w original line up

the Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [bane][i_rise][outbreak][randomshots][silent_drive][with_honor]
[Nov 30,2007 12:36pm - Brandon... ""]
With Honor will be playing 4 shows in January with the original lineup, and a benefit show in CT for Mike Gang. Full details to be announced soon, but here are the dates:

Thurs Jan 10th @ The Knitting Factory NYC
Sat. Jan 12th @ The Worcester Palladium w/ Bane, With Honor, Silent Drive, I Rise
Sun. Jan 13th @ Welfare Records Haverhill MA

Sat. Jan 19th CT Venue TBA Benefit Show for Mike Gang

More details TBA Hope to see everyone there!
[Nov 30,2007 2:23pm - the_reverend ""]
holy shit!
[Nov 30,2007 3:18pm - horror_tang ""]
holy shit! I don't care.
[Nov 30,2007 6:48pm - xanonymousx ""]
they're in haverhill?????? whatttttttizzleeee.
[Nov 30,2007 7:17pm - Goatcatalyst ""]
None of the care. Not a drop.
[Dec 1,2007 12:15am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I hate posi hardcore, but for some reason I fucking love With Honor. I hated them with a passion at first, but out of nowhere I started loving it. Bane, on the other hand, sucks the hugest of cocks.
[Dec 1,2007 7:15am - tbone_r nli  ""]
bane rules. i wish their haverhill date was cambridge though. how many people does that new haverhill place hold?
[Dec 1,2007 11:34am - cav nli  ""]
damn were gonna be doing shows on the 12th and 13th but im DEFINITELY going on the 19th! i cant wait!
[Dec 1,2007 4:47pm - Brandon... ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:I hate posi hardcore, but for some reason I fucking love With Honor. I hated them with a passion at first, but out of nowhere I started loving it. Bane, on the other hand, sucks the hugest of cocks.

When i was first introduced to both band and with honor i didnt like either but i love both of them now. But if your not into posi kinda stuff. I can see why you dont like them
[Dec 1,2007 5:42pm - the_reverend ""]
the with honor ep is excellent.
[Dec 1,2007 5:58pm - cav nli  ""]
the_reverend said:the with honor ep is excellent.

thats like saying the reverend is sexy. not even worth mentioning its so obvious.
[Dec 1,2007 7:43pm - xmikex ""]
Bane sucks.

With Honor are nice dudes.
[Dec 1,2007 7:49pm - the_reverend ""]
"so is she cute?"
"well, she's got a nice personality..."
[Dec 5,2007 8:06pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
xmikex said:Bane sucks.

if only they had the R&B influence of boxcutter, right?
[Dec 5,2007 8:17pm - the_reverend ""]
will tboner and I be there like bffs? only time will tell.
*swiggs malt liquor*
[Dec 6,2007 7:40pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
i dont like the palladium. i dont like worcester. with honor was fun and i like bane...but i probably wont be there. sorry rev, maybe we just weren't meant to be.
[Dec 7,2007 2:44pm - Jared_The_zompire ""]
Outbreak ans Resist are on the Haverhill show. It's Resist's cd release.
[Jan 12,2008 7:38pm - the_reverend ""]
at the palladium now.
[Jan 12,2008 8:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I, Rise: i would like to see these guys play some place not so huge. They were really good, but a smaller club with more stage access is where I would want to see them. They will definitely be playing over shows with the a lot more bands.

silent drive: they were a pretty good bridge. The membrs of bane that fill this band do a pretty good job of doing "something different" and fun. They don't stray too far into the post hardcore cra that they could do. Keeping it high energy and not mixing in too many harmonizing vocals. The last song that they played was probably the only song of theirs that I know.
[Jan 12,2008 8:58pm - the_reverend ""]
outbreak: I always think of the movie when I think of their name. The set was short cause they took a while to get to the stage, but I think they were like 10 minutes ahead of schedule when they were done. People must have been tired from the show last night cause they didn't go ape wild like I figured would happen. They did go crazy mind you. And plenty of times there was just a collasped group of people in front of the stage but I figured if would be a bloodbath of sorts with no place to hide and no place to run.

this show is so sold out and wit the 2nd to last band setting up, it's getting hot in here.
[Jan 13,2008 12:33am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are slooooowly processing.
terrible pictures.
[Jan 13,2008 10:19am - cav nli  ""]
i ended up getting to go to this because our show was canceled last night and i got a ticket a couple days before. it seemed like quite a few people bought tickets and didnt go cus of the pats game. i dunno, ive seen tom brady throw 30 completions and 3 touchdowns 16 times this season, i hadnt seen with honor in over 5-6 years, i had to go. but yea everyone was there for with honor, it was pretty amazing to see those guys up there playing those songs again. all the music was really tight and obviously the crowd absolutely crazy. glad i went for sure.
[Jan 13,2008 11:06am - Pires ""]
yeah...this was awesome...fuck the pats!
[Jan 13,2008 11:12am - xanonymousx ""]
i'm going to try and get in at the haverhill show later today probably.
[Jan 13,2008 11:31am - xanonymousx ""]
trying a new mode on the camera?
[Jan 13,2008 11:53am - the_reverend ""]
new camera.
[Jan 13,2008 4:31pm - xanonymousx ""]
probably going to get killed tonight...
watch the 10 o clock news.
[Jan 13,2008 11:04pm - the_reverend ""]
huh? oh the show in have rill as todd said it last night.

with honor: im fairly certain I saw their first show at a tiny american legion hall in southern CT many years ago. This was a tramendous outpouring of support. Even though they played only 2 songs that I like and played a bunch of the "boy band" era xWHx, it was still awesome. Honestly, just looking up and realizing that "oh shit, this is the originally line up" was awesome. It's quite killer to see all of these dudes back together on stage and smiling. Even more killer to see kids screaming a long who were wearing wigger cloths the last time that this with honor line-up hit the stage. Todd (who dropped off the map) only gave one speech on stage that was semi-bane like.
[Jan 14,2008 9:20am - watchmaker666 ""]
I have no idea who these guys are
[Jan 14,2008 9:38am - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
watchmaker666 said:I have no idea who these guys are

that's too bad, you should definitely check them out.
[Jan 14,2008 10:07am - brandon...nli  ""]
the_reverend said:huh? oh the show in have rill as todd said it last night.

with honor: im fairly certain I saw their first show at a tiny american legion hall in southern CT many years ago. This was a tramendous outpouring of support. Even though they played only 2 songs that I like and played a bunch of the "boy band" era xWHx, it was still awesome. Honestly, just looking up and realizing that "oh shit, this is the originally line up" was awesome. It's quite killer to see all of these dudes back together on stage and smiling. Even more killer to see kids screaming a long who were wearing wigger cloths the last time that this with honor line-up hit the stage. Todd (who dropped off the map) only gave one speech on stage that was semi-bane like.

Yea i was kinda dissapointed they played alot of newer stuff, But it was still a good time.
[Jan 14,2008 10:08am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm guessing there was a lot of pointing at this show.
[Jan 14,2008 11:57am - watchmaker666 nli  ""]
DrewBlood@Work said:watchmaker666 said:I have no idea who these guys are

that's too bad, you should definitely check them out.

I will, looks like a fun band.
[Jan 14,2008 12:50pm - xanonymousx ""]
place was packed last night.
people jumping off of everything.
hundreds of people.

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