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Metal Thursday article in Pulse Magazine

[Dec 3,2007 4:37am - Samantha ""]
[Dec 3,2007 12:00pm - deathchick ""]
congrats chris! looks like a good article.
[Dec 3,2007 12:03pm - dreadkill ""]
read this last night. awesome article. congrats to chris.
[Dec 8,2007 9:07am - Foghorn ""]
That's fucking sick!
[Dec 8,2007 12:43pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
Very cool article, thumbs up Chris!

Local guitarist and member of Face Full of Shotgun Sam Kirsch has stolen the spotlight and become Worcester’s shredder of choice.

I thought I remembered TJ winning that shred off and being "Worcester's shredder of choice?" Hmmmm....
[Dec 8,2007 1:20pm - MetalThursday ""]
theaccurseddrummer said:Very cool article, thumbs up Chris!

Local guitarist and member of Face Full of Shotgun Sam Kirsch has stolen the spotlight and become Worcester’s shredder of choice.

I thought I remembered TJ winning that shred off and being "Worcester's shredder of choice?" Hmmmm....

I had NOTHING to do with that part of the article. The writer is a good friend of Sam Kirsch and she apparently decided to include him in the article, although he hasn't even been to a Metal Thursday in about a year. The shred-off wasn't even at a Metal Thursday. It was a Friday show, although it was one of mine, but still... the pic of Polaris she used in the article was from the same event. The parts that quote me are legit, I can't vouch for the rest. Overall, it's good publicity any way you look at it.
[Dec 8,2007 1:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 8,2007 1:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Nice work, Chris!
[Dec 8,2007 3:34pm - JDDomination ""]
I dont know if it's been said already but there was also an article on Blabbermouth.net

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