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12/05 AS220 Iron Lung, White Mice, Megasus, Neon Bitches

[show listing]  _____________________________
[Dec 3,2007 5:39pm - Lamp ""]

d00t d00t doo doooooo
[Dec 3,2007 6:27pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
WELL, TIE ME UP NAKED AND CALL ME DENALDI! Is this the "featuring ex-members of Teen Cthulu" Iron Lung?
[Dec 3,2007 6:42pm - Lamp ""]

Iron Lung's playing Connecticut tonight, don't know where though.
[Dec 3,2007 6:59pm - RichHorror ""]
And tomorrow they're playing Boston.

[Dec 3,2007 7:24pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Awesome to JUST HEAR about the CT show. I'm sure both people in attendance will enjoy themselves.
[Dec 3,2007 7:25pm - Lamp ""]
I had been looking for that flyer actually. Sweet show but I'm not going, as much as I love Scapegoat and Mind Eraser, I'd rather see Iron Lung fresh playing 20 minutes away and with a new band from Providence I'm actually excited to see.
[Dec 3,2007 7:28pm - Lamp ""]
GoatCatalyst said:Awesome to JUST HEAR about the CT show. I'm sure both people in attendance will enjoy themselves.

Hatred Surge is apparently playing that show too, I'd love to see that shit.

Considering the show is just those two bands and Oiltanker it'll probably be over quickly anyway.
[Dec 4,2007 7:10pm - Lamp ""]
bump even though nobody gives a fuck
[Dec 4,2007 9:12pm - yummy ""]
tomorrow at the ASS20? I think I'll have to go...cuz I give at least a fuck if not more...hope they still got $2 gansetts. Good bands! Looking forward to Neon Bitches.
[Dec 4,2007 10:20pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
I hope that regular Billy fucking Grahan who booked last night's show had to dig deep into his glory hole fund to give bands gas money. Fucking turd.
[Dec 4,2007 11:58pm - Lamp ""]
One of my friends told me only two people showed up to the CT show, that sucks. I also second that I'm looking forward to Neon Bitches!
[Dec 5,2007 2:51am - GoatCatalyst ""]
I've been watching ALOT of that Rome series lately and history concurs that it would be an entirely acceptable, heterosexual endeavor for me to force my unwashed dong upon the palate of the perpetrator of this unjust slight.
[Dec 5,2007 2:38pm - Lamp ""]
[Dec 6,2007 12:39am - Lamp ""]
Just got home. Neon Bitches didn't disappoint one bit. I wasn't expecting them to since they were most of Straight to Hell and sounded like it. I hope to see this band many times. Iron Lung didn't play too long but they were pretty good, lots of odd time changes for a band of their scene.

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