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Magic missile

[Dec 8,2007 11:25pm - Lamp ""]
For fans of the "LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT!" LARP video. This is the best thing ever.

[Dec 9,2007 12:32am - the_reverend ""]
if this is the one im thinking of, it's a mega repost, but is one of the best things ever. on my phone so I can't tell. I cast magic missle on the darkness!
can I do them?
[Dec 9,2007 9:25am - Lamp ""]
No no, not that. He goes "Now it's fine for the final battle" then lights a sparkler. As it shoots of sparks he keeps going "Magic missile!" and when it stops he whines and goes "oooh I'm out of mana!"
[Dec 9,2007 11:30am - DrewBlood ""]
am i getting drunk?!!

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