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Dreaded Silence looking for a new drummer (the ad portion).

[Dec 9,2007 12:25pm - sinistas ""]
As of yesterday, we've parted ways with Anthony Simone. Things just didn't work out in the end with transportation and getting a set practice schedule, so we had to make the call. He's a fantastic drummer, and we wish him the best...go check out his project Nex Partum. He plays guitar on it too...Good stuff!

That being said, we're in the market for a new drummer. We play melodic/progressive metal in the style of Opeth / Death / Katatonia / Porcupine Tree. Please be 21+, have transportation, decent equipment, and be in the same ballpark as us musically...We're not looking to change things up style-wise, just refine it a bit as we go on. Message us if you're interested/for more details, etc.

-Dreaded Silence

** Samples from our new EP up at http://www.myspace.com/dreadedsilence
[Dec 9,2007 7:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
unfortunate bump :(
[Dec 10,2007 7:29am - sinistas ""]
double unfortunate bump :(

[Dec 10,2007 3:08pm - dreadkill ""]
[Dec 10,2007 3:10pm - archaeon ""]
something to add

-must have hot mom
[Dec 10,2007 4:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
archaeon said:something to add

-must have hot mom



[Dec 10,2007 5:28pm - dreadkill ""]
hahahahaha, that's great.
[Dec 11,2007 11:08am - sinistas ""]
[Dec 11,2007 11:58am - Aegathis ""]
thats probably the bad luck factor.
[Dec 11,2007 5:10pm - sinistas ""]
It's quite possible.
[Dec 11,2007 8:37pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
That Nex Partum stuff is pretty cool (Well, I'm not crazy 'bout the songwriting, sounds a bit generic, but the guitar works and drums are impressive. I may have to hit this kid up, if getting to Hudson isn't a problem for him.)
[Dec 11,2007 11:34pm - pam ""]
Someone drum for these assholes.
[Dec 12,2007 12:03am - horror_tang ""]
I will drum for these assholes and we will be famous for having the infamous broken tooth, 6'5" 400 pound wonder not able to keep a beat. Fuck.
[Dec 13,2007 9:56am - sinistas ""]
We might have to bring Drummy back!
[Dec 13,2007 5:04pm - dreadkill ""]
[Dec 17,2007 3:25pm - dreadkill ""]
bump again. if anyone knows any drummers looking, send them our way.
[Dec 17,2007 6:50pm - RichHorror ""]
Jeff already said he'd play drums for you, snob.

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