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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Samantha.
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[QUOTE="Samantha:697335"]Ever since I heard my neighbor screaming for at least 2 or 3 hours straight beginning at 7:00am one morning a few months ago, I have nicknamed her "the junkie neighbor". The reason why she earned that nickname is because, at the time, she was screaming at her father over the phone and begging him for money. She said things like, "I promise! I'll never do it again!! Dad!! I have to pay him!" She was throwing a ridiculous tantrum over it, the kind of behavior that should never be seen in an adult. The whole thing lead me to believe that she was most likely a drug addict. Yesterday, my boyfriend told me that he heard "the junkie neighbor" screaming at a ridiculous volume for several hours in what seemed to be an argument with her boyfriend. Today, I was woken up by the sound of her screaming again. It was so loud and lasted for so long that there was no way I could go back to sleep. This time, she was begging her mother for money. She was screaming so loud that I'm sure the entire apartment building could hear it. Every now and then, she would yell, "HELLO?!!... HELLO??!!!" indicating that her mother had hung up on her. I honestly can't believe that this woman would have the audacity to be so demanding of her parents. She was screaming at the top of her lungs saying, "Please!!!... Please!!!...PLEASE!!!" in the same way that a young child would beg for candy but with far more anger and desperation. I don't know why, but she repeatedly mentioned something about how she didn't want to go to jail. At one point, she got so mad at her mother that she started screaming even louder, calling her mom a "fucking cunt". Then, it escalated to a point where she said, "Fine! If you won't give me anything, I'll just die! I'M GOING TO DIE!!" which was a pretty obvious suicide threat. Shortly after that, I heard sirens, and I knew that her mother must have called the police. Sure enough, a firetruck and a few cops showed up at my house. I opened my door to see about 5 cops standing in the entryway of the building with a stretcher (the kind that have restraints for psych ward patients), trying to get into the building, so I buzzed them in. The woman was still screaming, saying, "I won't open the door!! I won't go!!" The cops looked at me, said the woman's apartment number, and I simply nodded my head, pointed in the direction of her apartment, and said, "that way". What followed was much like an episode of "Cops". The woman began screaming at the police, telling them that she wouldn't go with them. They told her to calm down. She continued to yell. Somehow, they convinced her to leave with them. As they were bringing her out, I heard a cop tell her that, if she didn't stop whatever she was doing, they would have to put her in handcuffs. The best part about this most entertaining experience is that I took a couple of videos with my cell phone. I took 2 videos from the hallway outside of her door while she was yelling at her mother, then I took another one from inside of my apartment while the cops were there. The audio is the only part that is interesting. Myspace was being dumb about letting me upload the videos, so I used photobucket and edited it all together into one video using photobucket's online editor. Unfortunately, my cell phone takes crappy quality videos, so you'll have to crank the volume way up in order to hear what she is saying, but it's still entertaining. [URL]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v148/xevb3k/video/?action=view¤t=aaf04d8b.pbr[/URL][/QUOTE]
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