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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to xeatadickx.
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[QUOTE="xeatadickx:44664"]hey everyone, this is tom. two days ago the providence housing committee came by the BoK and condemned the place, deeming it "not suitable for human habitation", of course having to do with the fact that theres only one real entrance/exit, and you know, fires and shit - its all from that station fire, the fire chief wants to cover his ass. threats like this have been made before, and they blew over - just some green exchanged hands. but those were threats of eviction. this time, they said condemned. this time it really is the end. as for the bane of existence show, its still on. its gonna be our goodbye, farewell, swansong, we'll miss you all show. it was a good run while it lasted, i think. thanks to all the bands and people that made it happen. you guys are all awesome. and extra special thank yous go out to the reverend, carina, the guys in cryptic warning (youre going BIG TIME, i promise hahaha), terminally your aborted ghost (all you guys are awesome) , ascendancy (especially josh and terence), xlynchiex, aaron, the whole crew of boston/south shore kids, basiliskk, john dwyer of PATHOS productions, GORATORY, the_network, in dire need, and anyone else i may have forgotten, you know im grateful to you as well. both mike and i have met awesome people, awesome bands, and walked away from it with a few new good friends as well. i cant thank you all enough. KEEP IT METAL!!!!! :satancross::NEWHORNS::satancross: HUUUUUUUUUUGE NOTE TO ANYONE COMING TONIGHT: please be on your best behavior. the cops have always known about the venues, but now its official from the top. its not dangerous or anything, but we dont know what exactly could happen if something stupid happens. basically, im asking anyone coming not to fight, and not have huge groups floating around outside. by all means, you need a cig, go for it, im just talking about groups of like, 10-20 kids standing on the curb. thank you -xtomx, missing it already.[/QUOTE]
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