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celebrity apprentice

[Jan 3,2008 9:10pm - succubus ""]
premiere on now and i am watching it

hilarious so far

i will be the first to say that i've NEVER watched the apprentice, don't usually care and don't wtch much TV...but seeing some of these people on it..i had to tune in...gene simmons is a smart business man.

i will admit that i'm going to try and catch it on a regular basis...
[Jan 3,2008 9:13pm - succubus ""]
Among the players: country singer Trace Adkins, Stephen Baldwin, Marilu Henner, boxing champ Lennox Lewis, KISS' Gene Simmons and former Apprentice diva Omarosa. The winner doesn't get a job, but $250,000 of Trump money will go to a favorite charity.
TV Guide: How many celebrities applied?
Trump: 100. We took 14, but a couple of them canceled because they couldn't stand the concept of being fired. That included a [controversial] former baseball player. The level of viciousness, hatred and competitiveness was unbelievable. They fought hard because they have their images to protect.
[Jan 3,2008 9:14pm - succubus ""]
[Jan 3,2008 10:02pm - succubus ""]
that was good...

Pam where are you?
[Jan 4,2008 9:54am - succubus ""]
[Jan 4,2008 11:24am - pam nli  ""]
succubus said:that was good...

Pam where are you?

Pam will only watch this if promised Gene Simmons will have a little "accident" and be gone from her life forever.

Truthfully I ALMOST watched it, but I saw Tito Ortiz and changed the channel. There is just no way I can listen to Gene Simmons AND Tito Ortiz.

Plus, c'mon...you know who is going to win.

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