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Super Smash Bros. Melee appreciation

[Jan 6,2008 10:43pm - Lamp ""]
I got a Gamecube as a posthumous Christmas gift and I bought this game for it while I was away, most addicting game ever. There's so many more modes you can play in than the 64 version, there's way more characters, more maps, the game is faster, the grabs aren't the most powerful attack, and you can't do cheap combos on people to get their percentage really high because they can just air dodge. This game rules all over the place, especially in multiplayer.
[Jan 6,2008 10:49pm - ZJD ""]
I suspect that you made this thread years too late for a ton of responses, but yeah. I never had a nintendo64 or gamecube, so all my Smash Bros. experience is from games belonging to friends. I think if I actually owned it and played it, I could be good enough to want to play others, but as it is right now I just suck so bad that I do a lot of sitting around if it's more than one on one. I prefer more traditional fighters but SSB is a lot of fun.

Tekken is my favorite fighting game.
[Jan 6,2008 10:52pm - MRBIG  ""]
Smash Bros. Melee is the shit. Ganondorf is slow but a beast.

New Smash Bros. for Wii comes out next month. That shit gonna be crazy. Sonic and Solid Snake!
[Jan 6,2008 11:06pm - boine ""]
this game is great cant wait for 3
[Jan 6,2008 11:15pm - Lamp ""]
ZJD said:I suspect that you made this thread years too late for a ton of responses

Are you saying that because the game came out in 2001, that it's more likely people haven't played it than when it was new or something? I'm guessing plenty of people have played this game by now and have some experience and memories with it.

I used to play this all the time against this kid I used to be friends with. He used to play in Smash tournaments and knew plenty of the best players, including the best at Smash 64 who's so much better than everyone else, he can beat the second best Smash 64 player without losing a stock. I got my ass kicked every time I played, but I did get better with my reflexes a bit and it's helped when starting to play this. Not to mention I have owned the 64 version for a few years now and while skills don't translate over entirely, you get the gist of the gameflow somewhat. So now I can fight other friends of mine and win most of the time.
[Jan 6,2008 11:33pm - sxealex ""]
ok not trying to single you out but I've heard more and more people use "addicting"
and for some strange reason it totally gets under my skin.
If it is a word it would have to be used under some strange ass circumstance.
It would be a verb and "addictive" is the adjective.
I usually don't give a shit about this stuff and in all fairness I suck at typing.

[Jan 6,2008 11:34pm - sxealex ""]
oh and the game is pretty cool
[Jan 7,2008 12:03am - ZJD ""]
Lamp said:
Are you saying that because the game came out in 2001, that it's more likely people haven't played it than when it was new or something? I'm guessing plenty of people have played this game by now and have some experience and memories with it.

I was pretty sure you'd mention this.

I mostly meant that this is not a super old game but not a new game so it seems weird to see a new thread about it.

Hey, I just saw Heat! I want to talk about it now...
[Jan 7,2008 1:15pm - ZJD ""]
Also, when I do play SSB, I always choose Pikachu with the wizard hat.
[Jan 7,2008 1:48pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Link is a beast in n64 Smash Bros. He sucks at getting back from the edge, but his smash attacks wreck everyone in close quarters

like the green area in the bottom left

[Jan 7,2008 1:57pm - Lamp ""]
Link is one of the worst characters in the 64 one, he's so fucking slow. He's way better in Melee.

I think Pikachu is considered to be the best character in 64, personally I prefer Captain Falcon and Jigglypuff.
[Jan 7,2008 2:06pm - Anthony nli  ""]
In 4 person multiplayer melees, someone who is good at Link can own everyone due to mad powerful attacks
[Jan 7,2008 2:56pm - Lamp ""]
Eh, true. But if you're playing him one-on-one he's not very useful unless you're good at throwing lots of bombs.
[Jan 7,2008 2:59pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
one of the best games for the gamecube.
[Jan 7,2008 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
i haven't played this enough, but what i have played kicks ass.
[Jan 8,2008 1:06pm - SW  ""]
ZJD said:Hey, I just saw Heat! I want to talk about it now...

hahaha what is that quote from? a standup comedian? i vaguely remember it.
[Jan 8,2008 4:31pm - ZJD ""]
SW said:ZJD said:Hey, I just saw Heat! I want to talk about it now...

hahaha what is that quote from? a standup comedian? i vaguely remember it.

Jim Gaffigan

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