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Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II

[Jan 7,2008 3:31pm - Yeti ""]
i've never really been into games like this, but i started this one, and i really enjoy it. any recommendations for similar games for PS2? once this one is done i'll want to continue this style.
[Jan 7,2008 3:33pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Champions of Norrath is pretty close, if I remember correctly. (BG: DA is the hack-and-slash, "sword guy, spell guy, or sneaky guy" game, right?)
[Jan 7,2008 3:34pm - Yeti ""]
yeah its more or less hack and slash, but that same overhead 3rd person camera angle.
[Jan 7,2008 3:35pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
CoN is cool if you're really, really into inventory management. I mean, it's a cool game, but it takes the "OMG RARE DROP" thing from MMORPGs (which, of course, it's based on, but still). Much better with a friend, the co-op is where it shines.
[Jan 7,2008 3:50pm - aril  ""]
I had a funny feeling you'd respond to this, Steve.
[Jan 7,2008 3:56pm - Timma ""]
They aren't really the same, but all of the Devil May Crys (especially 3) are pretty bad ass.
[Jan 7,2008 5:00pm - Niccolai ""]
the first ones good.

There's a Dark allience three coming out eventually.

It's too bad DAII is so expensive.
[Jan 7,2008 9:33pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I liked BG-DA, but never played the 2nd one, my sister has it, so maybe I'll borrow it from her after I'm done Skate, Assassins Creed and Armored Core 4. but, then again, I snagged her Wii while she's in school for this semester, so I may not ever get around to finishing the games I want to...

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