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FREE SHOW Jan 12 - After the Bombs, Bludwulf, Warmad @ 69 Grant Street, Burlington, VT

[show listing]  _______________________________
[Jan 10,2008 7:18pm - Mutis ""]
After the Bombs, Bludwulf, Warmad @ 69 Grant Street, Burlington, VT

Saturday, January 12
FREE, 7pm
[Jan 10,2008 9:38pm - the_reverend ""]
wow... that would be awesome if I weren't shooting bane.
[Jan 10,2008 11:01pm - NuclearWinter ""]
the_reverend said:wow... that would be awesome if I weren't shooting bane.

Pretty sure the same bands are playing the Wheelchair in Worcester on the 26th.
[Jan 11,2008 11:45am - Kinslayer  ""]
After the Bombs fucking kill!

[Jan 11,2008 1:58pm - MikeGiallo  ""]
NuclearWinter said:the_reverend said:wow... that would be awesome if I weren't shooting bane.

Pretty sure the same bands are playing the Wheelchair in Worcester on the 26th.

Yeah msot of the bands are. I'll be at the Worcester show for sure.

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