Anyone have a van that TYAG can rent in April, or have advice on where to rent?[views:10125][posts:57]_____________________________________________ [Jan 10,2008 9:30pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] We're going to Cali, motherfuckers. But, we need to rent a van for this 2 week outing before we actually get an official van of our own. If anyone here has a van that we could borrow (we will pay you, name your price) for mid-April or knows any places that don't charge a shit ton of money, we would be infinitely grateful. We'll even take someone on the tour with us if they let us use their van; the tour includes an incredible 3-day event. We're getting financial support from our label but we need to give them an actual figure first. Get in touch with me ASAP!!! |
______________________________________ [Jan 10,2008 9:33pm - the_reverend ""] see composted's drummer? |
__________________________________________ [Jan 10,2008 9:34pm - corpus_colostomy ""] good luck brother! |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 10,2008 9:34pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] LOL WHUT |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 10,2008 9:35pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Thank you Nick! |
__________________________________ [Jan 10,2008 9:45pm - archaeon ""] i think sxealex has a van from TTOS that he kept on trying to rent to lecherous nocturne. maybe he sold it, i aint sure. |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 10,2008 9:54pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] He still has it...I'm waiting to see if he posts here, heh heh. |
_______________________________ [Jan 10,2008 10:06pm - Blue ""] he should be on, we just finished practice. |
______________________________________________ [Jan 10,2008 10:09pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Werd. By the way, I sent PE a message about Feb. that you guys playing the show or Dysentery?? |
_______________________________________ [Jan 10,2008 10:18pm - the_reverend ""] public enemy? |
________________________________ [Jan 10,2008 10:18pm - Ryan_ ""] check out AVIS rental company. Good rates. |
______________________________________________ [Jan 10,2008 10:27pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Do you know how much Avis usually charges or how they apply their charges? I don't want to fill out a reservation just to get rates and find out that I don't want to pay them, hahaha. |
_______________________________ [Jan 10,2008 10:59pm - Blue ""] MarkFuckingRichards said:Werd. By the way, I sent PE a message about Feb. that you guys playing the show or Dysentery?? it is Dysentery who is playing that show. |
______________________________________________ [Jan 10,2008 11:01pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Ok, that makes a lot more sense, haha. A headliner is in the works. |
________________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 9:16am - DestroyYouAlot ""] TERMINALLY YOUR ABORTED PARTY VAN |
________________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 9:17am - DestroyYouAlot ""] Look out for the live EP in '09: B&D & V&D IN CALI |
______________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 9:20am - SkinSandwich ""] I have one, you can pick it up down by the river. |
________________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 9:25am - DestroyYouAlot ""] [img] |
____________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 10:17am - joeycobra ""] check with Sluts...they have a veggie oil van and are renting it out and suppling people with enough veggie oil to last a few weeks I think. |
______________________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 11:11am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Where are Sluts located? Well, I know where to find sluts, if you know what I Eh?! Aren't they from New Jersey or some place not very close to MA? |
____________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 11:22am - DrewBlood ""] Call Jay from Getaway group, he plays guitar for Sluts Also, sxealex is a fucking van guru |
____________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 11:27am - joeycobra ""] contact them here [URL=' ']Sluts and here's what the bulletin they posted says If anybody is heading out on tour soon, consider asking us about renting the sluts van and trailer. It's a 12 passenger 2001 Ford that runs on WASTE VEGETABLE OIL. We can send you off with enough veggie oil to get you halfway across the country for FREE!!!!! Send us a message if you're interested. -Andy- Sluts |
____________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 11:28am - joeycobra ""] ps. my bad on how much veggie oil they were providing...still enough to get halfway across the country is damn good. |
______________________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 11:31am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] That is fucking awesome. I'll be contacting Sluts. I'm also going to talk to Alex when I get a chance. |
_________________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 11:42am - DestroyYouAlot ""] MarkFuckingRichards said:Where are Sluts located? Well, I know where to find sluts, if you know what I Eh?! Aren't they from New Jersey or some place not very close to MA? In my experience, yes - if you're looking for sluts, Jersey is a good bet. |
______________________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 11:44am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Jersey smells like rotting slut. |
_____________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 1:53pm - xanonymousx ""] TYAG is playing Chain Reaction? |
___________________________ [Jan 11,2008 2:45pm - ""] MarkFuckingRichards said:Jersey smells like rotting slut. new faux-grindcore band name. Plenty of brees, squees, and reets. |
________________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 3:58pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] said:MarkFuckingRichards said:Jersey smells like rotting slut. new faux-grindcore band name. Plenty of brees, squees, and reets. It has to have "In Autumn" or something in there. "New Jersey Smells Like Rotting Slut In Autumn Dying Star." Now THAT'S a name that has "br00tal br33 br33s" written all over it. |
________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 4:02pm - CMTAIB ""] but jersey's where WAKING THE CADAVER ARE FROM! we are much more br00tal than them and we are br33 free! |
______________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 4:53pm - goatcatalyst ""] man up and steal a van, mr. fucking. sheesh. kids are goin soft these days. |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 6:31pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Mr. Adams, do not blow my cover. Who's to say that I haven't already stolen 1 or 2? But then again, who's to say I have... XanonX, what the hell is Chain Reaction? If that is a show, we aren't on it, haha. |
____________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 6:40pm - Joelstein ""] Best thing we did was to get a UHaul trailer for each day. It's only $15.00/day. Hopefully one of ya have an SUV or something that has a hitch and you can all pile in that and put your equipment in the trailor. This has been the best thing that we've found vs. cost. GL! Get Some Ass to Mouth! -J. V. McMuthatruckinstein |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 7:58pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Our drummer has an SUV, but I don't think he'd want to put too much wear and tear on it since it's very new. I did that with my last vehicle and it caused way too many problems, haha. |
______________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 10:42pm - xanonymousx ""] MarkFuckingRichards said: XanonX, what the hell is Chain Reaction? If that is a show, we aren't on it, haha. i believe its a popular club in california somewhere.... like bands like guns up and bleeding through and suicide silence have played there i think. it was sorta a joke. |
______________________________________________ [Jan 11,2008 11:24pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Who knows, maybe we are playing that place! |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 12:06am - todayistheday nli ""] pretty sure sluts are from get a hold of them |
__________________________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 12:26am - ExploitaitonOfMistakes ""] Are you sure you wouldnt be better off just buying a band van with the label's money? |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 1:36am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] The label is going to fund a van for us when we tour in support for our CD, but that's not out until July. So for now we have to take what we can get and put it towards transportation to Cali just this one time. |
______________________________ [Jan 12,2008 1:38am - BSV ""] Mark come watch us get hammered, like real soon guy. |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 1:41am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] I shall! After the Jan. 25th show I'll have some more free time to come up the 'Ham. |
______________________________ [Jan 12,2008 1:44am - BSV ""] Yes sir. Have you yet to experience the power of Brazilian food, rotisseriered on flame? |
_________________________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 1:46am - ExploitaitonOfMistakes ""] MarkFuckingRichards said:The label is going to fund a van for us when we tour in support for our CD, but that's not out until July. So for now we have to take what we can get and put it towards transportation to Cali just this one time. Strange that they wouldn't just get the van purchase out of the way now rather than spend more than they need to. Maybe you should just get the money together yourselves and reimburse it with the label's money sometime before July. There are some great deals out there and it will probably be more cost effective than a long rental plus a purchase. Just playing devil's advocate. Feel free to ignore me |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 1:53am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] ExploitaitonOfMistakes said:MarkFuckingRichards said:The label is going to fund a van for us when we tour in support for our CD, but that's not out until July. So for now we have to take what we can get and put it towards transportation to Cali just this one time. Strange that they wouldn't just get the van purchase out of the way now rather than spend more than they need to. Maybe you should just get the money together yourselves and reimburse it with the label's money sometime before July. There are some great deals out there and it will probably be more cost effective than a long rental plus a purchase. Just playing devil's advocate. Feel free to ignore me I definitely hear what you're saying, but think of it this way: if you're a record label that just signed a band that hasn't played a show in over 2 years, and they're asking for money for a van, would you be eager and willing to toss down who knows how much money on the spot? Though the label has faith in us and definitely does everything they can for us within reason, it's logical and safe from a business standpoint to see how the band does on a short tour with a rental than throw down $20K+ on a van that you may not make enough money to pay off. Plus, the money we'd be making from the tour would make renting worth it. Josh, I have experienced delicious Brazilian food...and I wish to do so much more, haha. |
_________________________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 1:54am - ExploitaitonOfMistakes ""] Gotcha dude. I'm just saying, there are good deals out there in used vans. We got a sick, huge van for under 3 grand. |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 1:55am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] That's a bitchin' deal. We're getting new though. Cuz we're pimp like that. |
_________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 3:36am - sxealex ""] hmmm i might be able to rent you my van... how many miles are you doing? |
_________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 3:37am - sxealex ""] ps im broke as balls :D but the vans good 2002 75k... i just need to clean it |
_________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 3:38am - sxealex ""] dodge 2500 |
_________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 3:42am - sxealex ""] man if you could get 1k for 2 weeks that would kick ass... especially since its not outa yer pocket. i wonder. ps it has mp3 cd player and a 1/8th inch jack for ipods and shit. |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 6:09pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Alex, we're definitely interested. I'm not sure how many miles we'd be doing, but we'd essentially be going from MA to CA via North Carolina, Tennessee then through Texas, etc. We'd probably come back through Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and across the mid-west. I need to let the label know on Monday, so if this sounds feasible to you we can try to set in stone. Also, would you need all of the money up front, or half/half? Let me know! |
______________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 8:28pm - Joshtruction ""] need a driver/roadie? My mom just passed away 2 days ago and I got pretty much no plans since I am between jobs. |
______________________________________________ [Jan 12,2008 10:51pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Fucking shit, I'm sorry to hear that Josh. I'll keep you posted if we need a driver/roadie; that is very generous of you sir! |
_________________________________ [Jan 13,2008 1:08am - sxealex ""] Joshtruction said:need a driver/roadie? My mom just passed away 2 days ago and I got pretty much no plans since I am between jobs. holy shit many i'm sorry! |
_________________________________ [Jan 13,2008 1:08am - sxealex ""] :( |
_________________________________ [Jan 13,2008 1:16am - sxealex ""] my van is under warranty so lemme see how feasible it would be to disconnect the odometer for the trip... as i have like 7k left and 1+ years left. I might just say fuck it could fuck up the computer. |
_________________________________ [Jan 13,2008 1:16am - sxealex ""] and by fuck it i mean fuck the warranty not fuck renting it. |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 13,2008 2:08am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] Hah, I knew what you meant. Let me know as soon as you can! |