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more band added to NEMHF

[Jan 17,2008 6:20pm - bone grind  ""]
Dimmu Borgir, Behemoth, and Keep of Kalessin have been added to this years New England Metal and Hardcore Festival lineup for April 26th.

[Jan 17,2008 6:21pm - Blue ""]
keep of kalessin is very good.
[Jan 17,2008 6:27pm - Pires ""]
dimmu and behemoth?


they played last year...good to see NEMHF is trying to stay fresh
[Jan 17,2008 6:56pm - HTR ""]
When was the last time they had a "Hardcore" band play?
[Jan 17,2008 7:12pm - xanonymousx ""]
with honor played in 2005....
i think thats as hardcore as the fest got in the past few years.
death threat played too.
[Jan 17,2008 7:59pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
HTR said:When was the last time they had a "Hardcore" band play?

In the year 200GAY
[Jan 17,2008 9:18pm - Lamp ""]
HTR said:When was the last time they had a "Hardcore" band play?

Probably never.
[Jan 18,2008 10:40am - Yeti ""]
Dimmu! nice, i'm definitely going this year. hopefully its the same night as Meshuggah.
[Jan 18,2008 10:42am - GoatCatalyst ""]
hope they get Night Ranger.
[Jan 18,2008 10:44am - Yeti ""]
too bad Behemoth sucks. Keep of Kalessin is ok, not something i would listen to but i bet live it will be pretty cool.
[Jan 18,2008 10:45am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i'm psyched dimmu's playing again and all but why two years in a row? they should really mix it up a little more.
[Jan 18,2008 10:45am - xanonymousx ""]
who ever said that megadeth was at NEMHF wasn't right, but they are playing at the Palladium....
for $50- screw that.
[Jan 18,2008 10:46am - Yeti ""]
get Marduk!
[Jan 18,2008 10:49am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
GoatCatalyst said:hope they get Night Ranger.

Funny story; my sister's actually playing with the drummer from Night Ranger. (She's a smooth jazz flautist / saxophonist. SO friggin' not my thing, but she's damn good at it and manages to make a decent living with it.)
[Jan 18,2008 10:52am - immortal13 ""]
Good, I've been wanting to see Behemoth forever and haven't been able to do it.
[Jan 18,2008 11:01am - GoatCatalyst ""]
... still haven't seen Night Ranger
[Jan 18,2008 11:21am - KPANZER  ""]
Is Attila still singing for KEEP OF KALESSIN?
[Jan 18,2008 11:43am - xmikex ""]
Oh man I hope Pessimist plays the main stage this year. I've been waiting my whole life for that to happen.
[Jan 18,2008 12:20pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
KPANZER said:Is Attila still singing for KEEP OF KALESSIN?

[Jan 18,2008 12:55pm - Yeti ""]
xmikex said:Oh man I hope Pessimist plays the main stage this year. I've been waiting my whole life for that to happen.

i seem to recall Pessimist playing the main stage in like 00 or 01. hmm...
[Jan 18,2008 2:10pm - bone grind  ""]
pessimist played the main stage at new england twice. The first was with the original lineup and it kicked ass. That second time was with a different lineup that really sucked
[Jan 18,2008 3:11pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I wanna play NEMHF so bad.
[Jan 19,2008 12:10pm - pam nli  ""]
Bleh, sick of seeing these two.
[Jan 19,2008 12:21pm - dr. doctor  ""]
I think Pam's humble breasts should be added to the NEMHF. That would be cool. I have a bad case of loving you. What breast size are you sweetheart?
[Jan 19,2008 12:45pm - pam ""]
Big enough, cupcake.
[Jan 19,2008 1:02pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
LULZ at homo anonymous users trying to get off by talking dirty to the very few female members of this board

I heard rumours from Unexpect that they and Nevermore, and Nile are all playing...I think they are just being stupid Canadians.
[Jan 19,2008 1:24pm - pam ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:LULZ at homo anonymous users trying to get off by talking dirty to the very few female members of this board

I heard rumours from Unexpect that they and Nevermore, and Nile are all playing...I think they are just being stupid Canadians.

Nevermore and Unexpect would be awesome. Nile is probably a safe bet since they play every fest ever.
[Jan 19,2008 1:53pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
pam said:y_ddraig_goch said:LULZ at homo anonymous users trying to get off by talking dirty to the very few female members of this board

I heard rumours from Unexpect that they and Nevermore, and Nile are all playing...I think they are just being stupid Canadians.

Nevermore and Unexpect would be awesome. Nile is probably a safe bet since they play every fest ever.

Well Unexpect just posted a bulletin saying that after their show with nile they are playing ne metalfest with nevermore, messugah, tyr, eulvitie, ensiferum...oddly they didn't mention turisas

I guess they meant that nile had a show before metalfest, they aren't on it.

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