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strange but true? pats-giants. i am legend.

[Jan 24,2008 6:09am - deadlikemurf ""]
stolen from another board i post on...

from the movie i am legend
Pats 23 Giants 7

sorta craaaaaaaaaaazaaaaaaay
[Jan 24,2008 8:06am - xmikex ""]
Even in science fiction the Giants can't beat the Patriots. Isaac Amamov couldn't have dreamt up a fantasy like that.
[Jan 24,2008 8:08am - tbone_r nli  ""]
xmikex said:Even in science fiction the Giants can't beat the Patriots.

hahaha. you. YOU.
[Jan 24,2008 10:29am - t2daeek ""]
but dude... the giants are so hot right now... they've won 3 games against the nfc... in a row
[Jan 24,2008 1:19pm - brandon...nli  ""]
im totally going for the giants. I cant belive they got this far. I almost in my pants when they one on saturday.
[Jan 24,2008 3:44pm - tyler nli  ""]
that is crazy

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