need help posting image![views:3598][posts:12]_______________________________ [Jan 25,2008 12:55am - sean ""] Hey Rev or anyone geek savy on here - I'm trying to post a photo on the forum direct from my computer, but I haven't the foggiest how to do it. Sorry, Sorry to be a pain; I have no html experience. Step by step instructions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! |
_________________________________________ [Jan 25,2008 12:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] You can't do that. You need to host it somewhere - I use photobusket. ( Make an account there, upload the file to your PB account, then paste the URL to the picture between image tags: [ img ] URL HERE [ /img ] (Just take out the spaces.) It'll even give you a "bbcode" url with the tags already on. Just remember, this isn't MySpace, so it's [] not <>. None of your fancy html here. You can hit the "quote" button on someone else's post to see how they did pretty much anything, BTW. Also delete your system32 folder. |
___________________________________ [Jan 25,2008 12:37pm - bradmann ""] DestroyYouAlot said:You can't do that. You need to host it somewhere - I use photobusket. ( Make an account there, upload the file to your PB account, then paste the URL to the picture between image tags: [ img ] URL HERE [ /img ] (Just take out the spaces.) It'll even give you a "bbcode" url with the tags already on. Just remember, this isn't MySpace, so it's [] not <>. None of your fancy html here. You can hit the "quote" button on someone else's post to see how they did pretty much anything, BTW. Also delete your system32 folder. lulz fucking choice. |
______________________________________ [Jan 25,2008 12:53pm - Mike_Giallo ""] Yeah usually I just delete my system32 folder first and it works. |
______________________________ [Jan 25,2008 2:49pm - sean ""] haha thanks. thought you might have to host it elsewhere. Much appreciated. |
________________________________ [Jan 25,2008 3:06pm - xmikex ""] Backspace, Backspace, Backspace, Alt + F4. Viola, internet magic. |
________________________________________ [Jan 25,2008 3:11pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] xmikex said:Backspace, Backspace, Backspace, Alt + F4. Viola, internet magic. [img] |
_____________________________________ [Jan 25,2008 4:02pm - xmikex nli ""] grammmmer bu$ted. |
__________________________________________ [Jan 25,2008 4:23pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""] What actually hapens when you delete your system32 folder? |
________________________________________ [Jan 25,2008 4:41pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] Your PC automatically sends an email to a Microsoft server that then gets forwarded to IT professionals the world over. And we laugh at you. |
________________________________________ [Jan 25,2008 4:41pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] I mean, HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING HAPPENS. YOU'LL PWN N00BZ AT CONTERSTIRKE LOL. |
__________________________________________ [Jan 25,2008 4:47pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""] I just did it. I got a message saying I won the internet. |
________________________________________ [Jan 25,2008 4:51pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] Take a picture; you can send it in to Nintendo Power and they'll print your name. |