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After The Bombs in Worcester last night

[Jan 27,2008 2:08pm - Lamp ""]
There was no discussion about it on this board that I can remember but I was just wondering if anyone else happened to go to it.
[Jan 27,2008 2:11pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the title of this thread can be amazingly misconstrued
[Jan 27,2008 2:23pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
I was gonna go I really wanted to see them and Bludwulf but I had no money and not enough gas. Fucking lame.
[Jan 27,2008 2:49pm - Lamp ""]
I can't remember the last time I've been to a show with:

1) That much drinking
2) That much smoking
3) So many street punks

It felt like before the no smoking law when you couldn't go to a show without smelling like an ashtray afterwards, not to mention people would drink most of their beers, crush the cans, and throw them across the building creating a very messy situation. I had a fun time rocking out but my lungs today are killing me after inhaling some much cigarette smoke.
[Jan 27,2008 3:32pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Rad, I can't wait to play there next month!
[Jan 27,2008 3:33pm - lbpvd  ""]
i wonder why they arnt coming to providence, those canada punks sure know a good time
[Jan 27,2008 4:32pm - the_reverend ""]
whoah.. if only someone had posted that show, I would have gone.
[Jan 27,2008 4:32pm - sxealex ""]
why did no one die in worcester?
[Jan 27,2008 4:52pm - BSV  ""]
yeah seriously that bad ruled when they played here, totally would have gone if someone posted it.
[Jan 27,2008 5:50pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
I know there was a thread about it.
[Jan 27,2008 5:57pm - the_reverend ""]
there was a thread about the vt show. but if shows aren't on the events page put it there.
[Jan 27,2008 6:21pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Psh, I'm not your personal army.
[Jan 27,2008 9:43pm - Lamp ""]
I got sick as a result of this show. :(
[Jan 29,2008 2:16am - RichHorror ""]
Lamp said:I got sick as a result of this show. :(

Did you breathe in too much crust punk?
[Jan 29,2008 2:20am - Lamp ""]
I'm sure one of them passed on their meningitis to me or something.

I was puking last night and had a splitting headache earlier today but I'm fine now.
[Jan 29,2008 2:35am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, that's been my experience after nearly every basement show I've ever been to.
[Jan 29,2008 2:01pm - A.PANZER (Kinslayer)  ""]
Son of a BITCH. I missed itr :(

Totally forgot!
[Jan 29,2008 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
where was this that they allowed smoking?
[Jan 29,2008 3:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jan 29,2008 3:39pm - Lamp ""]
Yeti said:where was this that they allowed smoking?

It wasn't a legit venue, it was some sort of dingy warehouse with quarterpipes in it. Kind of reminded me of Redrum but with no ventilation whatsoever. I don't know the name of it.
[Jan 29,2008 4:12pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Those kids tire me out. Freakin' whippersnappers.

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