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show tonight..lenny kravitz

[Jan 31,2008 11:00pm - succubus ""]
Orpheum...sold out
Night began with me forgetting my gps and taking exit 24b instead of a and winding up in east boston...called 3 people on this board...
Lovely larissa firsr
Then aaron and left him a msg
Then mr richhorror but I guess I had the wrong number
Got further lost andfinally found my way back...parked on newbury went to MAC where I bought some eyeshadow and lipstick and michael did my eyes all purdy...anyhow...got to the venue...had seats in the 5th row center ...
Lissie opened...cute little blonde with a great voice...strong indie rock...just her and her guitar.
Lenny hit the stage...it was my first time seeing him...and I've been a long time fan...
He was amazing...awesome stage presence. Charismatic and sounded awesome. He played songs from all his albums....ahhhh mr cab driver......then he walked into the crowd shaking everyone's hand for let love rule...
Amazing show
I love everyone

[Jan 31,2008 11:02pm - RichHorror ""]
succubus said:Then mr richhorror but I guess I had the wrong number

My cell is off for the time being. :|
[Jan 31,2008 11:43pm - the_reverend ""]
his music makes me want to get away... from him
[Feb 1,2008 12:31am - xanonymousx ""]
I went to the middle east tonight.
goodtimes, but it took us 45 minutes to find parking.
[Feb 1,2008 1:09am - the_reverend ""]
a far as the rttp events age said, there was only a cherry st show tonight

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