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are you good at powerpoint? i need to design a slide template

[Feb 1,2008 3:19pm - succubus ""]
it needs to incorporate a couple of things...I won't psot the details...but if you feel like it and are good at this stuff...can you please send me an email?

[Feb 1,2008 3:20pm - the_reverend ""]
your work should have templates no?
[Feb 1,2008 3:22pm - succubus ""]
ummm NO the design is up to me and i'm lacking inspiration
[Feb 4,2008 6:08pm - succubus ""]
[Feb 4,2008 10:27pm - narkybark ""]
powerpoint is a tool of the devil and should be forsaken by man.
[Feb 4,2008 10:47pm - the_reverend ""]
*poses nude*
[Feb 5,2008 11:46am - PAGANMEGAN ""]
I am OK with PowerPoint.. I usually go for very simplistic designs so I am not sure if what I would come up with would be of help, but you could shoot me the details. I should have some time on Thursday evening (which would of course be afternoon your time)
If you want to send the details, you can e-mail me, Carina.

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