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New Hate Eternal

[Feb 8,2008 9:24am - brian_dc ""]
It's good...real good

[Feb 8,2008 9:35am - sxealex ""]
why thank you sir
[Feb 8,2008 9:52am - largefreakatzero ""]
Nice. I've heard one song to date and it is not disappointing.

By the way, who's playing drums for them now?
[Feb 8,2008 10:11am - brian_dc ""]
Oddly enough, a guy who used to play in metalcore bands. I think he's actually still in Camilla Rhodes. I guess he had been posting on Roddy's forum for years and that's how he got noticed . The dude can play and there's nothing core about this album.
[Feb 8,2008 10:13am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, from what I heard definitely no "core" here. That dude is friggin' ferocious for having spent the earlier portion of his career in gay bands.
[Feb 8,2008 10:21am - porphyria  ""]
the worst hate eternal record to date.
[Feb 8,2008 10:23am - thegreatspaldino ""]
a couple tunes didnt sound right to me, but the rest were ferocious
[Feb 8,2008 10:39am - Yeti ""]
this is one band i never could get in to.
[Feb 8,2008 11:11am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

brian_dc said: I think he's actually still in Camilla Rhodes.

That band is related to NEURAXIS somehow, they share members too, I think.
[Feb 8,2008 11:19am - goatcatalyst ""]
Neuraxis rules. Stephen Henry = le archeverde de pornographie
[Feb 9,2008 3:47pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
para bellum rules
[Feb 10,2008 3:18am - phillip ""]
I downloaded this
havent listened though

its all about Conquering anyway
eveyrthing else has been zzzzz
[Feb 10,2008 9:03am - corpus_colostomy ""]
thanks for the link yo!

it may not be their best effort thus far, but i do like 2 songs off this very much.
[Feb 10,2008 12:20pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, thanks for the link, listening now. Riffs aren't as catchy as their previous efforts, but still damn good.
[Feb 10,2008 12:32pm - ASK_A_WIGGER ""]
[Feb 10,2008 1:20pm - thuringwethil ""]
Rutan's a goddam hottie. Especially with the beard.
[Feb 13,2008 8:29am - corpus_colostomy ""]
i have not stopped listening to this since i got it.
lots of texture. LOVE the chordal shit.
drums are riddic but the drum mix is very meh...

def, not their best effort but the hate is palpable man..
which, is a win in my book.

this band oddly enough, is one of the only bands that makes me wanna "snap" as will would say, which is odd, considering their are no breakdowns or slams etc.

that song tombeau fucking kills me..

the rutan owns.
[Feb 13,2008 9:03am - brian_dc ""]
I almost argued with a troll
[Feb 13,2008 9:06am - corpus_colostomy ""]
or present an alternative perspective?
[Feb 13,2008 4:49pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
It's a good release. Also, a great drum performance from a guy in a Deathcore/Metalcore band. The vocals have always bored me though. Guitar work is definitely awesome.
[Feb 13,2008 4:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

thuringwethil said:Rutan's a goddam hottie. Especially with the beard.


I was just scanning responses without looking at usernames and that one totally tripped me up before I realized it was from a girl-type person. *snort*

He does kinda have a dolphin forehead, but I suppose I can think of some girls I'm into that do as well, so fair enough.
[Feb 13,2008 7:11pm - SlyATNFAC ""]
wow this is pretty goddamn good, i usually dont like this band very much. although i doubt the replay value is to hot.
[Feb 13,2008 10:21pm - craig nli  ""]
hate eternal = :tightiewhities: + ?
[Mar 13,2008 8:07am - bradmann ""]
maybe it's my speakers but the guitars sound kinda bad...i'm not overly impressed so far.
[Mar 13,2008 8:41am - bradmann ""]
it's getting a bit better..."Fury Within" is pretty cool.
[Mar 19,2008 11:01am - Pires ""]
this is awesome...

fuck you craig!
[Mar 19,2008 11:04am - largefreakatzero ""]
I finally took a long enough car ride where I listened to this start to finish. I honestly don't like it. Rutan obviously spent hours and hours layering guitars, and so on, but I find nothing catchy about any of the riffs. And the overall song structures are boring. This is an overly mediocre release, there is nothing on the entir album that grabs my interest. I give it a big fat "MEH".
[Mar 19,2008 11:14am - brad weymouth  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
thuringwethil said:Rutan's a goddam hottie. Especially with the beard.


I was just scanning responses without looking at usernames and that one totally tripped me up before I realized it was from a girl-type person. *snort*

He does kinda have a dolphin forehead, but I suppose I can think of some girls I'm into that do as well, so fair enough.

you FINALLY admit to your dolphin fetish:krusty:

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