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I'M NOT A PRISONER....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Feb 10,2008 8:25pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Hi all,

I'm outta jail again.
[Feb 10,2008 8:26pm - the_reverend ""]
nice. I was wondering what was up.
did you stomp the yard?
[Feb 10,2008 8:29pm - Josh_Martin ""]

the_reverend said:nice. I was wondering what was up.
did you stomp the yard?

No, but I did serve a few people.
[Feb 10,2008 8:32pm - the_reverend ""]
I hope this means that there will be more adolf satan shows
and the new CD.
[Feb 10,2008 8:38pm - thuringwethil ""]
uh oh.
here comes larry...
[Feb 10,2008 8:40pm - the_reverend ""]
you love it and you know it
[Feb 10,2008 9:05pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Feb 10,2008 9:08pm - the_reverend ""]
one day larry will hit on you and some John Mayer will come on the radio...
after that, it's all over.
[Feb 10,2008 9:28pm - thuringwethil ""]
this thread has degenerated.

and it's my fault, heh-heh

[Feb 10,2008 10:06pm - lynx666 ""]
yes you is:wiggam:
[Feb 11,2008 10:37am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Wait, what happened - did the Kenny/A+B prophecy come true?
[Feb 11,2008 1:01pm - pam ""]
Welcome back
[Feb 11,2008 1:29pm - the_reverend ""]
dya: that's what I thouht
[Feb 11,2008 1:36pm - Kinslayer  ""]
You're a freee maannn!
[Feb 11,2008 1:37pm - Joshtruction ""]

Kinslayer said:You're a freee maannn!

my thoughts exactly, and I am dissapointed it took that long for that.

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